10 Things You Didn’t Know about Ryle De Morny

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Ryle De Morny

TV presenter, Ryle De Morny, is known across the internet for his chiseled physique and his stunning smile. But he’s about to show the world that there’s much more to him than good looks. He recently announced that he was cast as the lead in an upcoming Netflix series, and his nearly 30,000 Instagram subscribers can’t wait to see him in action. This opportunity could give the South African based TV presenter the chance to be introduced to viewers all over the world. Keep reading for 10 things you didn’t know about Ryle De Morny.

1. He’s Been On Magazine Covers

Ryle definitely has the classic fitness model look and he’s a natural in front of the camera. Both of those qualities make him the perfect candidate to appear in magazines. Ryle has appeared on the cover of publications such as Men’s Health and Fit Life.

2. He’s A Lifeguard

Could you imagine having Ryle De Morny running across the beach to save you from drowning? That visual is more realistic than you may think. Ryle began his training as a lifeguard when he was just 8-years-old. He has continued to work as a lifeguard on the weekends for the last several years.

3. He’s A Champion Beach Sprinter

When you’re working as a lifeguard on the beach, the ability to run across the sand as quickly as possible will definitely come in handy. Luckily, this is something Ryle has mastered. He is a championship beach sprinter who has won two gold medals at the World Championships.

4. He Encourages People Not To Give Up On Their Dreams

Ryle has worked hard to get where he is in life. When he found out he got the opportunity to work on a Netflix project, he felt like some of his biggest dreams were finally coming true. Although the road to success can be long, Ryle urges others not to give up and to continue to work towards their dreams.

5. He Loves Watching The Sun Rise

South Africa is full of lots of amazing things to see, and Ryle never any of them for granted. Spending time outdoors is one of Ryle’s favorite things to do. He is very adventurous and loves to take in all of the natural beauty that surrounds him. Each morning he makes it a point to try to watch the sun rise.

6. He Has A Strict Morning Routine

Maintaining a body like Ryle’s isn’t easy. In addition to working out, he also “starts his day off with an early shot of apple cider vinegar, along with cayenne pepper, ginger, garlic, lemon, cinnamon, honey, buchu (known as SA’s miracle herb), turmeric, and aloe.” After taking his shot, he likes to go for a run through the mountains. He typically starts with a light run to get himself warmed up then goes for a sprint later in the day.

7. He Likes To See The Bright Side

Ryle is a very positive person who likes to take an optimistic approach to every situation. When South Africa announced a three week national shut down, he chose to see the time as a ‘blessing’ and not an inconvenience. He said, “We’ve been blessed with 21 days to make a change and to break a habit, it’s the perfect time to do so. ”

8. He’s An Entrepreneur

Ryle owns a business called the Trailblazers Hiking Club that allows people to explore the beauty of South Africa. According to the business’ website, “Trailblazers Hiking Club offers various services throughout the outdoor and adventure world and not only act within the scope of hike leaders but also facilitate, advise and educate brands and consumers associated with the industry.”

9. He’s Grateful For Every Opportunity

When things are going really well, it can be easy to get arrogant and take things for granted. However, Ryle doesn’t want that to ever be the case for him. No matter how much success Ryle achieves, he is dedicated to remaining humble. He is thankful for everything he’s been able to accomplish so far and he plans to continue to work hard to make the rest of his dreams come true.

10. He’s All About Consistency

When people see someone in great shape like Ryle, one of the first things they want to know is his secret. Surprisingly, the secret to Ryle’s amazing body is as simple as staying consistent. Ryle says that working out consistently is more effective than doing a few huge sessions a week.

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