iZombie Season 2 Episode 7 Review: “Abra Cadaver”


An episode as stuffed as “Abra Cadaver,” which features Liv and Blaine working together, romantic drama between her and Major (and Ravi and Peyton), and iZombie‘s typical “case of the week,” shouldn’t work. However, despite all these moving parts, this week’s episode is another terrific installment of iZombie, one that puts all the best qualities of The CW’s best show on display. And where do these best qualities start? Well, with Liv, of course, who is responsible for some of the funniest and dramatic scenes of “Abra Cadaver.”

After eating the brain of a death-obsessed illusionist, Liv becomes much more in touch with her inner dark side, while also taking the time to perform any and all magic tricks that she can. Usually, Liv’s new “condition” would simply be an opportunity for iZombie to produce some of its wacky and wonderful comedy (which the show still does, particularly when Liv is in the room with Ravi, who we discover is actually a magic enthusiast), but it also digs deeper, exploring the effects that Liv’s behavior has on her rekindled relationship with Major.

While Ravi and Peyton have seen a variety of Liv’s zombie personalities before, Major has never really experienced what it’s like to be around Liv when she’s so drastically different, and it understandably makes him a bit nervous. However, the main problem between the two of them isn’t caused by her sudden interest in death and darkness, but his lack of honesty with her. Although Major agrees with Liv that they should be truthful with one another 100% of the time (a discussion that they have in the opening moments of “Abra Cadaver”), he continues to harbor secrets from her, and not just about how he truly feels about her constantly switching personas, but also about the zombies that have gone missing, a subject that Liv directly brings up to Major after she and Blaine begin working together.

And while the lack of transparency between Liv and Major (which leads to the heartbreaking final scene of him sneaking upstairs without even saying hello to her) supplies much of the emotional drama of this week’s iZombie, her new partnership with Blaine provides much more of the humor and fun that we see from the series on a weekly basis. Rose McIver and David Anders are absolutely electric together in their scenes throughout “Abra Cadaver,” with Liv and Blaine’s witty back-and-forth and different methods of investigating being both entertaining and engaging. Sure, it’s a ton of fun hearing Blaine call Liv “Zombie-Wan Kenobi” and watching the two of them dig through the files in Bozzio’s house, but what makes their interactions truly work is the fact that what they’re doing matters. Unlike the somewhat forgettable case of the week (although the way that Liv catches the culprits is hilarious and memorable), Liv and Blaine looking into the zombie disappearances is important, not only because it begins to directly connect both of them to Season 2’s larger Max Rager plot, but also for the future emotional implications of Liv discovering that Major has been the one kidnapping these people.

That’s the beauty of what’s happening right now on iZombie: everything is connecting together, and not in some convoluted way. From Liv forging the FBI report Clive and Bozzio ordered to Major’s lies to even Peyton’s flirtation with Blaine, all of the stories, big and small, in iZombie Season 2 are beginning to link up, and even though there’s not a clear destination in sight (especially with wild cards like the unknown woman who leaves the package of Bozzio’s doorstep), it continues to be one hell of an exciting and entertaining ride to get there.

Other thoughts:

  • I didn’t mention it above, but it was good to see Ravi have more to do than simply hang out in the lab this week. Sure, his break-up with Steph and attempt to kiss Peyton were pretty predictable, but they still worked and gave us some time with him away from the morgue. Also, Ravi and Peyton scenes are always welcome in my book.
  • And speaking of Peyton, I understand her attraction to Blaine and like that he is infiltrating Liv’s personal life again, without her really knowing it (similar to the situation with her brother last season). However, if any type of actual romance develops between the two, I call BS. There’s no way that an assistant district attorney would get involved with a criminal informant.
  • I’m beginning to get frustrated with Major again. He NEEDS to tell Liv the truth before the winter finale, or else I’ll be really disappointed in him and iZombie.
  • Everything magic-related that Liv said and did during this episode was terrific. Also great: Clive’s utter dislike for all things magic.
  • Ravi’s comments about Syd Wicked, particularly his suggestion that he should have changed his name to “Rick Bang,” were marvelous.
  • David Anders being charmingly evil is expected, but David Anders singing? Well, that’s just a wonderful surprise.
  • Anyone have any theories about who the mystery woman is that was tracking Liv and left the package?
  • “Did you eat Edgar Allan Poe?”
  • “I’m an acquired taste, like gazpacho or that free U2 album.”
  • No new iZombie next week because of Thanksgiving. I’ll be back on Dec. 1 to review “The Hurt Stalker.” God, I love this show’s episode titles.

What did you think of this week’s iZombie? Comment below and let me know.

[Photo credit: Katie Yu/The CW]

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