The Real Reason Sir Mix-A-Lot’s “Baby Got Back” Was Written

There was a very real and heartfelt reason that Sir Mix-A-Lot came up with Baby Got Back so long ago and it wasn’t just for the sake of entertainment. Okay so it was in part, but through that effort he was making a very real stab at the world and the accepted view of what was beautiful. So many people, women in particular, seem to have the image in their heads of what’s acceptable and what’s beautiful that they’ll unfortunately listen to anyone that’s willing to tell them that they just don’t measure up and this song is a call out to every person, again, women in particular, to realize that beauty isn’t just something that can be wielded by the super-skinny and naturally attractive of the world. Baby Got Back was a statement song made to remind people that real beauty doesn’t have a tag or a label that can be used to pin it down.

Like a lot of things in this world beauty is usually determined by the media it would seem as they continually push forth the idea of what a woman should look like and what is considered to be beautiful. As Sir Mix-A-Lot points out in his song, Cosmopolitan and Playboy are two very notorious culprits when it comes to telling women just what’s beautiful and what’s not. And women read this, they listen to it, and they judge themselves and others on what they perceive as being acceptable thanks to the media that drones on and on about what is and isn’t accepted as being beautiful. Well honestly a lot of us should be able to listen to the song and fully agree that what you’re given naturally is what you’ve got, and if you don’t like it then that’s the biggest problem right there. Letting someone tell you why you shouldn’t like it is even worse, as it gives up all control over who you are and what you can do to make yourself feel better.

It’s not a strike against making a person look the way they want to look, not at all. If a woman wants to dress up nice and make herself look pretty or just presentable in the fashion she prefers then she’s entitled to do so. But making fun of a person for how they look and attempting to shatter their ego says a lot more about the person talking than it does about the person who’s being talked about. Baby Got Back is a song to make a person learn how to feel good about themselves by telling them that the men looking at them want to see something natural, something gloriously positive in the way they are, not the way other people want them to be. The message is about as positive as it can get when it comes to being honest and forthright.

If you’re not happy with your body then do something about it, but if you’re not happy because someone said how you are isn’t good enough then it’s time to listen to yourself and figure out what YOU want.

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