“The Platinum Life:” Five Things to Know About E’s New Show

E! has a new show out and if you haven’t seen “The Platinum Life” you’re missing out. The new series premiered on October 15, 2017 and it’s all about the girlfriends and the wives of the big fellas in the music industry. We get to see how these women live, their struggles, victories and what their lives are about. Here are five things that you need to know about the show.

“The Platinum Life” is similar to “Baller Wives”

One of the more recent shows that is gaining in popularity is “Baller Wives” and it showcases the lives of the women who are with star football players. “The Platinum Life” is very similar in format, except it deals with the special women behind the moguls who make the record business hop. Yes, it’s another reality television series, but it gives us an interesting glimpse into the lives of the top dogs in the music industry from the unique perspective of their women.

The cast is mostly female

The spotlight of this new series is on the ladies behind the powerful men in the music business. The premiere featured the new cast including Crystal Smith who is married to Neyo; Nazanin Mandi who is engaged to Miguel; LaMyia Good who is married to Eric Bellinger; Shantel Jackson, Nelly’s girlfriend; Lola Monroe who is King Los’ girlfriend, Kid Ink’s wife Asiah Collins and Alycia Bells who is a recording artist that has recently become single.

You’ll learn about their lifestyles

Have you ever wondered how the guys behind the tunes and their ladies actually live? It should come as no surprise that the lifestyles are lavish because they have a lot of cash to burn. While this is true to a degree, you’ll learn that these women are not all typical socialites. While they do live a high class lifestyle with all of the bells and whistles, there is a lot more to these savvy and successful ladies.

The wives and girlfriends share their experiences on the show

We find out more about the music industry moguls as their ladies share the ups and downs that they experience in their relationships and with life in general. Having a lot of money doesn’t make all of their problems go away. The series offers a documentation of what life with a music mogul is really like, and how these ladies cope with the struggles that come with the lifestyle. It isn’t all fun and games and there is actually a lot of hard work that goes along with the job.

Each of these ladies must keep up appearances

The members of the cast each know that they are representatives of their powerful and successful husbands/boyfriends. There is a certain image that they must maintain whether they feel like it on a given day or not. There are relationships that need to be nurtured and each of these women must have a persona that the public sees and approves of because their significant others are affected by the things that they do, and not just on a personal level, but also, professionally.

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