Phil Collins’ “In The Air Tonight” Drum fill For Over 70 Minutes in New Opus

Phil Collins’ “In The Air Tonight” Drum fill For Over 70 Minutes in New Opus

In what I would argue is the greatest drum fill of any song in the history of music, Phil Collins’ famous “In the Air Tonight” drum fill has been recently used for musical experimentation.  The fill, which comes after literally three minutes, is perhaps the result of one of the biggest build ups in music history.  You’re just waiting for it, waiting for it, and when it hits your mind is put into another world of emotion and melancholy.  I would argue that no one is more excited or psyched in life than when that drum fill actually comes in.   If you’re interested in hearing this drum fill for 70 minutes straight, here you go:

While “just a thing over and over” is a time-honored staple of internet garbage gags, creator Joseph Prein layers imperceptibly small variations of the drum fills, so that they move from syncopation to cacophony and back again.  So no, it’s not just 70 minutes of a loop.  If you’re interested in this kind of sound you might actually like listening to this.    While there’s no chance you actually listen to all 70 minutes you should check out all the hot spots of the player.

And when you’re done doing that be sure to listen to the original because it owns.

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