10 Things You Didn’t Know about Payton Moran

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Payton Moran

With nearly 30 women from which to choose, it’s amazing that Pilot Peter, our 24th bachelor extraordinaire, can weed them out and find the love of his life in just a few weeks. One such woman he gets to know on his journey is 24-year-old Payton Moran. She’s from Massachusetts, and she seems like the kind of gal who has a fun personality and a lot of life ahead of her. We don’t know if she seems like she’s entirely in the right place to settle down and get married yet, but we will let you see for yourself as we introduce you to her based on the information she put out for everyone to see.

1. She’s Got a Big Family

This is a young woman who is not immune to living amongst many people, which will very likely serve her well in the bachelor mansion. She’s going to have 29 roommates there, but she’s got four at home. She’s got four siblings. That’s right. She’s actually one of five, which is a huge number of kids to have in one household. And we aren’t judging, because my husband and I also have a large family with four very sweet kids we can’t imagine life without.

2. Her Family Recently Got Bigger

Remember when we said she has four siblings and she’s one of five? It turns out, that’s not accurate. The new reality star has actually recently learned — through the internet of all places — that her life is not quite the same as she thought growing up. Growing up, she thought she had four siblings. It turns out, she actually has five. She was contacted via social media one day by someone she’d never met in her life, and that person informed her that she, in fact, has a fifth sibling she knew nothing about. She has a sister who was not part of her life. While we’d love to know how that happened, if that affected her parent’s marriage — if they even knew about this woman at all — and what happened after finding out, we just don’t know. It’s not something she’s discussed, but we are sure it made a huge impact on her immediate family.

3. She’s Been In Love

She was in a serious and committed relationship for nearly 3 years of her life before she decided to put an end to things. The newly minted reality star says her long-time boyfriend started to become jealous of her life and her partying habits when she was a junior in college, and she wasn’t down with that. she decided to break up with him. We can see it, though, because jealousy is an ugly thing.

4. She Wasn’t Ready to Settle Down

Despite the fact that her relationship ended because her boyfriend was too jealous for her taste — a very valid reason to end things with someone — she also said that he was not into her very social lifestyle. She liked it enough to choose it over him, and she broke up with him to focus on ‘having fun’ her last year of college. She also says she loves to be the life of the party, and that’s another reason things didn’t work out.

5. She’s Not Athletic…

We don’t know if she really means this, but she says she’s not athletic. This could be that she’s just not interested in playing many sports, but it could also mean she’s just not a natural athlete. Who knows? She said it, so we believe her.

6. …but She is A Lot of Fun

She’s said it herself. She’s a lot of fun. She likes to party. She likes to go out. She loves to have a bunch of friends. She says she’s the kind of girl who can go into any situation alone and walk out by the end of the evening with 100 new friends. Here’s hoping that while she keeps a wide array of friends in her life, she keeps her personal circle strong, tight, and small.

7. Her Biggest Fear is Interesting

Some people fear things like commitment or being away from family or change or whatever. She fears missing out. That’s something we find interesting, because it seems almost immature. It’s called FOMO, and there’s no real place for that in a marriage and a serious relationship, or when you have kids, or when you become a settled adult. We have to wonder if someone who fears missing out on a good time is ready to settle down and become a wife and a mother and all those things.

8. She’s Not Afraid of Strangers

Payton Moran said her mother told her a million times to stay away from strangers, but she doesn’t. She doesn’t see strangers in anyone. She simply sees people she wants to get to know. We think that’s a pretty cool concept as long as she is very careful about how she approaches and spends time with strangers (i.e. we hope she’s not inviting strangers from the internet to her home or getting into the car with them and whatnot).

9. She’s Living at Home

At the moment, despite being a business development representative, she’s living at home with her parents. She’s claiming their basement as her own at the moment. It’s not something that’s strange in this day and age, for someone to graduate, get a job, and move back home to live with mom and dad. Perhaps she is saving money. Perhaps she’s not yet well enough established, or perhaps she’s just not sure where she wants to end up.

10. She’s Bold

When you take a look through her Instagram photos, you will see that Payton Moran is not afraid of showing off anything. She’s not concerned about future employers taking a look at her very public profile. She’s got photos of herself with her beers, with her cocktails, with her friends, and even lying topless on a blanket in a parking lot. She’s bold, for certain.

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