Person of Interest 1.06 ‘The Fix’ Review
Some people don't need Finch's machine to become a highly skilled fixer.
Some people don't need Finch's machine to become a highly skilled fixer.
Trick or dean! Missed last week’s recap? Catch up here. Our Halloween outing at Greendale begins with a pre-party thrown by Britta, before the group hea
It's Halloween! Match the character with the costume: dice (a die), the ghost of Ernest Hemingway, and a superhero.
In this week's Revenge Emily and Nolan go on the offensive, but Frank isn't that happy about what they choose to do with the video. Isn't Revenge sweet?
One player makes perhaps the biggest move in Survivor history based on a huge assumption. You know what assuming does.....
Tessa's Halloween costume freaks people out and we get our first glimpse at Dallas's husband.
Reality stars dressing up like reality stars on a reality show and being judged on it by other reality stars. Has the space-time continuum broken?
Another Monday Night. Another so-so episode of How I Met Your Mother. This week’s episode dealt with Kevin’s declaration that psychologically it i
It’s all been building to this.