Person of Interest 2.03 Recap: Reese and Finch get back to work
After last week’s episode which put in a pin in the Root storyline for now, and brought Harold Finch home it’s back to business as (almost) usual
After last week’s episode which put in a pin in the Root storyline for now, and brought Harold Finch home it’s back to business as (almost) usual
Elena faces her first big challenge in her new state and a visitor to Mystic Falls shows that he means business in this episode of The Vampire Diaries.
Have you noticed a trend in most of our favorite shows on TV right now? It’s not new, but more than ever we’re constantly rooting for the bad guys
Halloween is just around the corner. Are you guys ready for it? You can be sure that celebrity halloween costumes are most definitely being prepared already
Last week’s episode of The Neighbors focused on the adults & this week's took a closer look at how the alien-human culture gap affects the children
On the second season premiere of Suburgatory, Tessa returns home, Lisa attempts to blackmail her parents, and Noah and Dallas fight over Carmen.
The Winchesters investigate the case-of-the-week and Sam continues to rebel against the hunting life in this week's Supernatural
Oliver is forced to choose a path in this week's all new Arrow. But is it one that his family wants?
Anyone who has ever had the good fortune to attend Comic-Con knows that the moment you step inside the convention center it feels like you have just entered a