Bates Motel 1.06 – “The Truth” Review
Sometimes really good TV Shows can become really great TV shows with a single episode, tonight Bates Motel crossed that rarely approached threshold with the e
Sometimes really good TV Shows can become really great TV shows with a single episode, tonight Bates Motel crossed that rarely approached threshold with the e
Manipulation is the subtle, yet dominating, force on Bates Motel. It’s been there since the first episode and shines all the way until the show’s
The Following is one episode away from its finale, and I still don't see where it's going—and that's the good news.
Bo attempts an unlikely rescue against an army to save two people who are dear to her in this week's Lost Girl.
The Rings of Arkhaten, the second regular episode of the second half of season seven of the new Doctor Who (already you know you’re in for a complicated
Due to coverage of the news in Boston, this week’s episode of Vegas was pushed back to air Saturday night.
Game of Thrones is a tightly run show and produces quality episodes every week. But it can’t get everything perfect 100% of the time. Over three seasons
Don focuses on winning a new account and Joan has troubles with how she is perceived at work on Mad Men.
The Real Housewives of Atlanta went out with a bang and the husbands joined the fracas with their own agendas. And Kenya did more twirls.