Stephen Colbert Previews Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s Possible VP Picks on The Late Show
Donald Trump is expected to officially announce his running mate this Friday, and with his and Hillary Clinton’s VP picks looming, Stephen Colbert decid
Donald Trump is expected to officially announce his running mate this Friday, and with his and Hillary Clinton’s VP picks looming, Stephen Colbert decid
The Judge Cuts continue on tonight’s episode of America’s Got Talent. The guest judge for the night is country music legend, Reba McEntire. Twent
A month after f.society took down Evil Corp, our dear friend Elliot Alderson has devolved into the most simplistic, efficient version of himself. Spinning ar
Nothing is ever as it seems on General Hospital. It seems that Julian is finally getting what he deserves as he is going to be tried for murder. Alexis seems
Summer is a difficult time for many on Days of Our Lives, especially if your name is Summer. She’s up to nothing good, and that should not come as so mu
It’s been a while since Stephen Colbert has held the Hungry for Power Games on The Late Show, but after a longer than usual hiatus, the popular segment
It’s Judge Cuts on this season 11 of America’s Got Talent. Twenty acts perform but only seven will go through to the live shows at the Dolby Theat
Some television shows, if you watch them often enough, they can get quite predictable regarding the plot. You can practically tell what’s going to happe
Why should everyone go see Free State of Jones? Because last week was a terrible week in what has been a summer filled with horrible events. Even worse is