How can something look so corny and still enticing at the same time? Oh yes, that was a pun, a big pun. But looking at Sharks of the Corn, one should probably expect it since, well, look at the trailer if you need further explanation. It’s very easy to tell when shark week is about to hit since anything and everything shark-related starts getting a bigger push than usual for a while, and ideas like this get highlighted and praised when normally one might have to search around before running into them. This idea doesn’t exactly give a lot in the trailer when it comes to exposition, but the theme looks simple enough, kind of. There are sharks in the cornfields, people are dressing up in shark masks, people are dying, and there’s bound to be a unifying theme to tie it all off that’s simpler than people are going to realize. Okay, so that feels a little less than what’s really going on since there’s a shark-worshiping cult that’s killing people in the cornfields, which is enough to make one wonder if someone in the midwest was flat out bored and needed something to write about.
Let’s be honest, the idea of killer sharks in a cornfield is kind of like being afraid of being run over by a tractor in the middle of the Pacific Ocean as it’s being driven by a bunch of human-worshiping fish. Actually, that might be another idea that might get pushed eventually, but hopefully not. Saying that one needs to see this movie for the heck of it is worth an eye roll, but at the same time, it’s easy enough to agree with since there might be something worth laughing at, or some glimmer of an idea within the movie that might be able to grant some bit of inspiration for another idea. But apart from that, I think I’ll stick with my thought that someone in the midwest was bored and needed to make the idea of a cornfield even scarier.
Independent, low-budget movies have definitely seen a big rise, or so it feels, in the last several years, and it’s likely that they’re going to be sticking around for a while to come since people tend to find them endearing in their own way and kind of amusing. In some cases, people actually flock to movies like this either because they’re just silly enough to be funny, or because, well, there are a lot of reasons that people tend to like these types of movies. After all, a movie like Sharknado was given attention, so why not sharks in a cornfield? There are so many different ways to tear this down that building it up sounds impossible, but the truth is that the corny (ah, did it again) and insipid nature of the movie is likely what will draw people to it, kind of like the movies about the 5G zombies and the murder hornets of last year. Sometimes people need a break from the blockbusters and need something silly to get into for a little while. But the novelty of this does wear off after a while, especially if enough people get into the idea and make it the norm.
It’s funny how that happens, isn’t it? At one point something is hip, chic, and goes against the grain, and when someone picks up the idea and runs with it things get bigger and more complex, and, well, the indie that defied the institution eventually becomes the institution. If that happens in this case it feels like it would be a bit insane, but there are so many shark movies out there at this time that it’s hard to say that it won’t ever happen. From a ghost shark to Sharknado to avalanche sharks and who knows what else, things have gone nuts in such a way that it’s kind of cool to see what will come next and watch it simply because. No other reason, just ‘because’. Yes it’s poor grammar and yes it’s an incomplete idea, but that’s pretty much what this movie inspires since coming up with a solid reason to sit and watch it would likely short-circuit a lot of rational minds. Thankfully mine’s been stuck in the abyss for a while so it might not be so bad.
Now if only the Children would show up and make this movie complete. Or is that why the cult is there? In any case, this movie does look like it might be good for a few laughs and definitely a couple of gross-outs since it’s not too hard to think that it will be something that people watch just to kick back and enjoy a good, solid schlock-fest. One thing that needs to be said is that the movie did get a pretty decent artist to come up with the poster.
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