10 Movies that Couldn’t Be Made Today
Way too often these days we hear ‘oh you couldn’t make that movie again’. This statement is usually aimed at movies that a lot of us enjoyed
Movie lists and rankings covering all genres and decades of our favorite movies throughout history.
Way too often these days we hear ‘oh you couldn’t make that movie again’. This statement is usually aimed at movies that a lot of us enjoyed
Throughout the history of the entertainment industry, documentary films have played an important role in educating people on various topics. In fact, watching
Although it has evolved over time, gambling has been around for thousands of years. From betting on events to playing card games, people have always been to r
Trying to nail down an accent that you’re not familiar with or that you weren’t exposed to for a good portion of your life is pretty difficult for
One of the most iconic secret agents of all time would have to be James Bond, or should I say, 007. The fictional character that was adapted from the bestsell
Just as there are great leaders in the movies, there are very poor leaders and/or bosses as well, since the balance of power and authority isn’t always
In the movies, assassins are usually some of the coolest but most closed-off people in the world since their profession often requires them to be aloof and ye
When the name ‘fame’ is mentioned, a couple of people come up. First on that list would be Oprah Winfrey, who’s been in the spotlight for the longest of
Anyone who was around during the 1990s would probably agree that it was a very special time. While it’s true that all decades have their magic, the 90s
A Hollywood A-lister that has charmed us over time and again is Julia Roberts. Who could escape her megawatt smile and serious acting chops that has gone on t