10 Things You Didn’t Know about Monica O’Neal

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Monica O’Neal

When it comes to helping make Camp Getaway a special place, Monica O’Neal is one of the people who helps it shine. O’Neal, one of the stars of Bravo’s new reality show, Camp Getaway, is one of the coolest doctors you’ll ever see. Although Monica is a well-known psychologist, she’s not at camp to offer advice. She enjoys working at the camp because it gives her a chance to just be herself. She has been working at Camp Getaway for the last three years, and she’s all about having a good time and helping others do the same. Continue reading for 10 things you didn’t know about Monica O’Neal.

1. She Studied At Harvard

If you hear people on the show referring to Monica as Dr. Monica, it’s no joke. Monica is a licensed clinical psychologist who studied at Harvard medical schools. She has been practicing for nearly 20 years and currently owns and operates her own practice.

2. She Lives In Boston

Boston is one of the best-known cities in New England and it’s become a very popular destination for young professionals like Monica. According to Monica’s website, she is a “100% a city dweller, taking in all Boston has to offer.” Boston is located about 2 hours and 45 minutes away from Kent, CT where Camp Getaway located.

3. She’s Appeared In Several Well-Known Publications

Monica is widely known and respected in her industry and has done several public speaking appearances. She’s also been featured in several well-known “popular news outlets and journals such as “Cosmopolitan,” “Women’s Health,” and “BuzzFeed,” and “Marie Claire”, in addition to appearing on national and local television and radio, including SiriusXM. ”

4. She’s Literally A Pro At Giving Relationship Advice

Lots of people love to give out relationship advice, but very few are qualified to do so. Monica on the other hand, is beyond qualified. Relationship advice is her thing. She specializes in ” treatment of relationship challenges and interpersonal conflicts. People often seek my help when faced with a variety of relationship issues, including infidelity/commitment issues, difficult breakups, marriageability, and interracial/cultural relationship issues.”

5. She First Attended Camp Getaway As A Guest

Camp Getaway is truly a special place, and Monica’s story can attest to that. Although she has been working at the camp for the last several years, she actually first visited Camp Getaway as a guest. Apparently, her experience was so memorable that she couldn’t leave it alone.

6. She Says Camp Getaway Has Some Similarities To Other Bravo Hits

One of the cool things about Camp Getaway is the fact that it’s a complete new series that has no connection to any of the networks other shows. However, Monica believes viewers will still see see some similarities between Camp Getaway and some of Bravo’s other popular shows. According to Monica, “I would say that it has the behind the scenes look of Below Deck, but with a look into how people spend the fun of their weekends while having real professional lives like Summer House and I think it has the interesting dynamics and strong personalities of Vanderpump slash Southern Charm.”

7. She’s A Foodie

Monica is a self-proclaimed foodie. One of her favorite things about living in Boston is all the different restaurant options the city has to offer. She loves visiting her favorite spots, but she’s also always open to new recommendations.

8. She Loves To Ride Her Bike

Monica loves so stay active, and one of her favorite ways to do that is to go biking. She can usually be found cruising around her Boston neighborhood on her white bike. When the weather is too wet or too cold for her to go outside, she enjoys exercising at a local cycling studio.

9. She Loses Her Cool This Season

Monica likes to think of herself as a very laid back person who keeps her cool at all times. However, her patience will certainly be test during this season of Camp Getaway. She says that she totally ‘blew her top’ at a few points during the season.

10. She Wrote A Dating Guide

If you’re interested in getting some of Monica’s high-quality relationship advice, but you don’t live anywhere near the Boston area, there’s still some hope for you (and your relationship). Monica sells a ‘Guide to Dating Better and Smarter’ that is full of information that could potentially help you improve your dating life.

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