Will There Be Lupin Season 4? Everything We Know

Lupin Season 3’s finale had quite a cliffhanger ending, teasing the return of Assane Diop, the gentleman thief for Lupin Season 4. The curtains fell on Season 3 as Assane reunites with his old enemy Hubert Pellegrini in prison. After exposing Hubert for framing his father and other crimes, effectively bringing the shady business tycoon to justice in Season 2, Assane squares off with Jean-Luc Keller, an enemy from his past, to reconnect with his mother. Defeating Keller in Season 3, he gives himself up for arrest and settles into life in prison. He was finally going to make amends for the sake of his family.

But then, he receives a message from a fellow prisoner who turns out to be Hubert Pellegrini. The credits rolled in, but the scene was obviously hinting at Hubert’s quest for revenge against Assane. For fans, it’s enough premise for the show to get another season, perhaps one with an ending where he reunites with his family and settles for a normal life. The French action crime drama series created by George Kay and François Uzan premiered on Netflix in January 2021. It became the most-watched non-English language show on the platform within its first month of release, pulling viewers from 76 million households worldwide.

Will There Be Lupin Season 4? 

Etan Simon, Ludivine Sagnier, and Omar Sy in Lupin

Netflix is yet to greenlight Lupin for Season 4, but the crime drama will likely return for another season, given its massive popularity. Besides, Season 3 suggests there’s more to the story, a notion Lupin’s co-creator and showrunner George Kay has affirmed several times. He told Variety that the Lupin characters were created for the long run when he was asked about Lupin Season 4. “…When you create the dynamics amongst the characters, you set these shows up so that they can have a long life so that you’re not cornered, or you don’t have a problem continuing them,” he said. “…It’s harder to generate length out of a show that’s not designed to run and run. So we had very ambitious foundations for it. So it’s definitely got the scale if it’s required,” added the showrunner.

Kay shared a similar sentiment in an interview with Radio Times. He told the publication that the show was designed to run for a long time. Acknowledging that the show is running out of fancy places in Paris for the gentleman thief to steal from, Kay asserted that that’s not an issue. “It’s just making sure that you have those core central relationships to keep exploring. Will Assane reunite with Claire and Raul properly? Will he be able to navigate his personal life? Those relationships feel really strong, and so that can keep on going,” he said. Should Netflix renew the series for another season, “all of the architecture is there for (the show to continue),” stated Kay.

Possible Premise For Lupin Season 4

Soufiane Guerrab and Omar Sy in Lupin

There’s no official plot for Lupin Season 4, but if the show is renewed, it will continue to follow the thrilling tale of the notorious French master of disguise and gentleman thief. It’s expected the new season would pick up from Season 3’s ending and deliver another exciting tale about Assane Diop, with Hubert Pellegrini seeking to get even. Kay alluded to this in his interview with Radio Times: “It’s a very open ending, and it’s obviously left with lots to explore and lots of questions about who was behind what… For me, there’s no question that Pellegrini is behind something there.

“Assane Diop has lots of enemies, but he’s only got one arch enemy,” he continued as he explained that Season 3’s finale “was building the legacy of that central antagonism that comes out of Hubert Pellegrini.” In addition to pitting Assane against Hubert once more, Season 4 might dwell on Assane’s personal life, exploring his relationship with his family — especially his mom, whom he reconnected with in Season 3. As for the supporting side stories, the season will draw inspiration from the dozens of novels, novellas, and short stories about the lead character, originally created in 1905 by French writer Maurice Leblanc.

Cast And Potential Release Date For Lupin Season 4 

Mamadou Haidara as young Assane Diop

The cast for Lupin Season 4 will include Omar Sy’s Assane Diop alongside Hervé Pierre as Hubert Pellegrini, Clotilde Hesme as Juliette Pellegrini, and Ludivine Sagnier as Claire Laurent. Etan Simon, Naky Sy Savané, Antoine Gouy, Soufiane Guerrab, and Shirine Boutella are also expected to reprise their roles as Raoul Diop, Mariama Diop, Benjamin Ferel, Youssef Guédira, and Sofia Belkacem, respectively. The previous seasons depict Assane Diop’s childhood, using it to mirror his life in the present. Should season 4 maintain that pattern, then its cast members will also include Mamadou Haidara as young Assane Diop, Ludmilla Makowski as young Claire Laurent, Adrian Valli de Villebonne as young Benjamin Ferel, Léa Bonneau as young Juliette Pellegrini, and Seyna Kane as young Mariama Diop.

As Netflix hasn’t ordered another season, it’s hard to predict Lupin Season 4’s release date. Should the streaming giant approve Season 4 before 2023 runs out, the earliest possible release date would be in early 2025. Previous seasons of the show weren’t released at regular intervals. While Seasons 1 and 2 were released in January and June 2021, Season 3 didn’t premiere until October 2023. If Season 4 takes that long, fans might wait until the first quarter of 2026.

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