7 Things You Didn’t Know About Prometheus’ Logan Marshall-Green

Logan Marshall-Green is a versatile American actor known for his captivating performances. Born on November 1, 1976, in Charleston, South Carolina, he made his acting debut in 2003. He has since appeared in a number of films and TV shows, including Upgrade and Prometheus.

In addition to acting, Marshall-Green is also a writer and director, having made his directorial debut with the film Adopt a Highway in 2019. With his talent and dedication to his craft, Marshall-Green has become a beloved figure in the entertainment industry. Here are some interesting facts about the star.

7. Logan Marshall-Green Has A Twin Brother

Logan Marshall-Green and Brother

The star has a twin brother named Taylor Marshall-Green, an accomplished producer. The brothers share a close bond and often support each other’s projects despite pursuing similar but separate careers. The other Marshall-Green brother is known for his work; A Dirty Shame, 16 Blocks, and Lord of War.

6. He Started In The Theatre

In addition to his film and TV work, Marshall-Green is also a trained stage actor. He has performed in numerous theater productions, including the Off-Broadway play The Distance From Here. The director’s theater experience has helped him develop his craft and hone his skills as an actor. He cited the theater as his first love and has expressed a desire to return to the stage.

5. People Think He Is Tom Hardy’s Doppelganger


It’s no secret that Logan Marshall-Green and Tom Hardy share a striking resemblance. In fact, fans of both actors often have a hard time telling them apart. It’s easy to see why the two are often compared, considering their rugged good looks and intense on-screen personas.

Adding to the confusion is the fact that they’ve both worked together on several projects, including the hit sci-fi film Upgrade. The Devil star has often expressed his appreciation for Hardy’s work and talent. However, he has also made it clear that he is a unique actor with a distinct style and approach.

4. Logan Marshall-Green Dated Marisa Tomei On And Off

The Redeeming Love actor and Marisa Tomei were in a relationship for approximately 12 years, from 2008 to 2020. Despite their fame, the couple kept their romance relatively low-key. In fact, they would rarely speak about it in the media. The two first met while working on a play, which speaks to their shared passion for the theater. While it’s unclear why the couple ultimately decided to go their separate ways, sources have indicated that the split was amicable.

3. He Once Wanted To Be A Baseball Announcer

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It turns out that the Charleston native has had some interesting career aspirations over the years. In a personal quote on his IMDb, the star revealed that he had always dreamed of becoming a baseball announcer. As a huge Mets fan, he aspired to be the next Bob Murphy, and baseball was the first career he had ever seriously considered. Before that, Marshall-Green had even entertained the idea of becoming a Mello Yello truck driver. Of course, he ultimately went on to become a successful actor with a diverse range of performances to his name.

2. He Is Really Into Science Fiction

Marshall-Green has an undeniable love for the sci-fi genre, and his recent appearance in the Netflix series Another Life is proof of that. The actor has been involved in a number of sci-fi projects throughout his career. These range from tense horror films to mind-bending action thrillers. His performance in these projects earned him high praise from fans and critics. In addition, it has further solidified his status as a beloved figure in the sci-fi community.

1. The Star Was Raised By His Mother

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Marshall-Green’s mother, Lowry Marshall, played a significant role in his life and career. The actor’s parents divorced when he was young. So, his mother, an artistic director at Brown University’s repertory theatre department, raised him on her own. It was Lowry who first introduced her son to the world of acting and encouraged his passion for the craft.

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