credit: Suicide Squad
Comic book movies are filled with a large number of ridiculous and sometimes eye-rolling characters that couldn’t possibly exist in the real world, but that’s the allure of the genre and more than that, these are the types of characters that a lot of us have grown up idolizing or at least enjoying. King Shark is a character that’s been seen in a number of different ways, usually in relation to the Flash or Aquaman, as many would be willing to admit, but his assignment to Task Force X is without a doubt one of his greatest appearances outside of the comics since not only did the character end up being well done, the simplistic nature of the character was fun since Sylvester Stallone took on the character and made him sound kind of vicious at times, but also remarkably childlike when it came to his intelligence. There might have been a few fans that had something to say about this, and they might have felt a certain way about Nanaue’s lack of intelligence, but the fact is that he still came off as a great character. The best part is that Stallone is ready to take on the character again, the voice-over at least.
credit: Suicide Squad
A solo movie might not be the best idea right away.
It’s possible that Nanaue could be given a solo movie, but it also feels as though it might need a few other DC characters to make it work since if the level of intelligence and efficiency that’s been seen with this character as of now, it’s fair to state that he might need a little help to be a success. But exploring his possible origin story might be interesting if it can be delivered in a manner that will make people care even more about him. Barring that, he’s basically just there, a fixture in the DCU that can be used again and again when a movie needs a bit of savage comedy that can be effective as a part of a team as well.
Given that he’s supposed to be a god or a descendant of a god, it feels as though his powers have been limited.
After reading up on how powerful this character is supposed to be, it does feel that he was short-changed in his first big-screen appearance. But then again, a lot of characters feel as though they’ve been dialed down over the years, and it’s not hard to imagine that those in charge are doing whatever they can to make certain that things are kept as balanced as possible. In the comics, it’s been seen that Nanaue can take on the likes of Superman, Superboy, and Aquaman and is insanely tough, not to mention fast. When a description states that he can escape a black hole, it kind of gives a person the idea that, like many of DCs characters, he’s a little too OP sometimes. So it’s not tough to see why he would be taken down a couple of notches if only to make it clear that, like everyone else, he does have limits.

credit: Suicide Squad
It does feel that he needs to be used for more than comic relief.
Let’s not be too hasty. He is great as comic relief, and his savagery is great as well, but it does feel as though his character needs to be deepened just a bit and that he needs to be shown in a different light to make certain that people know who he is and what he’s all about. After all, the members of Task Force X might have stopped a greater threat and shown that they could be heroic, but they were in Belle Reve for a reason, meaning that they were some of the most dangerous beings around. There wasn’t a lot of backstory on King Shark in the movie, so it’s fair to think that if the DCU really wants to make good use of this character, they would end up digging further into his story in order to find something that would make it worth their while to keep him around and to develop his character a bit further.
How long this character can last appears to depend on DC’s use of him.
It does feel as though, eventually, Stallone might not see the need to keep up with this character and might dip from the DCU in order to do something else while he has the time. But then again, if he’s having fun with the character, he could stick around and make it worth his while and help to expand the DCU a little more in the years to come. There’s a lot more that can be done with Nanaue, so it’s easy to think that keeping him on should be the goal.
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