10 Things You Didn’t Know about Kim Adis

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Kim Adis

Kim Adis has only been acting on screen for the last 4 years, but 2020 might turn out to be her breakout year. The talented young actress has gained international exposure as one of the main characters on the new Netflix series, Get Even. Although she is almost 30-years-old, she plays a high school student named Kitty who teams up with some of her classmates to create a group called DGM. The girls of DGM use their tech skills to get revenge on students who have bullied others. In the show, Kim shows off her effortless talent and now fans are looking forward to seeing more of what she has to offer. Continue reading for 10 things you didn’t know about Kim Adis.

1. She Was Born In The Philippines

Kim Adis was born in the Philippines but it appears that she’s spent most of her life in the UK. Despite not being raised in her home country, Kim still has a strong connection to her Filipino roots and considers herself a proud member of the Pinoy community.

2. She’s Done Lots Of Traveling

Aside from having lived in the Philippines and the UK, Kim has also done a lot of traveling over the years. Some of the countries she’s visited include Iceland, Morocco, and Spain. She even has a personal website dedicated to all the of the adventures she’s done on.

3. She Loves To Dance

Kim isn’t just an actress, she’s a performer. She has the natural ability to keep people entertained and she isn’t afraid to show off her skills. She is also a talented dancer and she’s even shared one of her routines on Instagram. It’s unclear whether or not dancing is just a hobby for Kim or something she’s pursued more seriously.

4. She Studied Journalism

The road to becoming an actor is also filled with lots of detours and pitstops. Instead of attending drama school right after high school, Kim chose to enroll in the University of Westminister where she earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism and graduated with honors.

5. She Loves Interacting With Her Fans

Kim is enjoying all of the things she’s accomplished so far, and while she’s put in lots of hard work she also knows that her success wouldn’t be possible without the support of fans. For that reason, she is extreme grateful for all of the people who have supported her career so far. She often takes the time to respond to her fans on Twitter.

6. She Enjoyed Shooting The Physical Scenes In Get Even

Kim’s character on Get Even is a high school athlete with a strong competitive drive. As a result, many of her scenes involved lots of activity. Kim told TV Archive, “The stand out scenes for me have been fencing with Donte and the football scenes. The first day of filming was pretty intense I had to do some sprinting around the field and we did some epic football scenes where I had to tackle Cam. All the physical stuff has been really good.”

7. She Would Love To Work With Quentin Tarantino

Every actor has at least one person in the industry that they would love to get the chance to work with. Kim Adis has quite a few people on her list, but right at the top of legendary film maker, Quentin Tarantino. Another person on her list is Bong Joon-Ho who directed the Academy Award winning movie, Parasite.

8. She’s A Big Friends Fan

Some actors prefer not to watch TV and movies during their time off because it reminds them of work. Kim doesn’t feel that way, however. She doesn’t just like creating good TV, she also likes watching it. She’s a huge fan of sitcom Friends even though she would’ve been just 9 years old when the show aired its final episode.

9. She’s Wanted To Act Since She Was A Kid

From an early age, Kim knew that she wanted to become an actress. Even though finding success in the industry isn’t easy, it was a risk Kim was willing to take. In addition to studying journalism in college, she also started to take acting classes at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts.

10. She’s A Positive Person

Sometimes it can be incredibly hard to see the bright side of things. Still, Kim always makes an effort to do just that. She likes to think of herself as a positive person. That attitude will definitely come in handy throughout her career. Since acting involves hearing a lot more nos than yeses, it’s important to be able to remain positive and keep moving forward.

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