Joy-Anna Duggar’s Son Hospitalized Following Choking Incident

Joy-Anna Duggar’s Son Hospitalized Following Choking Incident

Joy-Anna Duggar recently revealed a harrowing experience involving her toddler, Gunner. The one-year-old boy had to be rushed to the hospital after choking on a piece of ham. This terrifying incident left Joy-Anna and her husband, Austin Forsyth, profoundly shaken.

A Frightening Moment

In a YouTube video uploaded on Friday, Joy-Anna recounts the moment that changed her family’s day. She stated, I was just feeding him a little bit off my plate, and I had a piece of ham, like Thanksgiving ham. I was letting him chew on it and take a bite off of it, and he bit off more than he could chew and immediately started choking.

Joy-Anna Duggar’s Son Hospitalized Following Choking Incident

From Panic to Action

The 26-year-old mother spoke about her initial reaction:I started crying ’cause I’m just like Lord, please protect him, like all of those what-ifs come to your mind right away. Despite her efforts to help Gunner cough up the obstructing piece of ham, his condition worsened. The piece of ham still hadn’t surfaced after Gunner regurgitated.

The Emergency Drive

Austin Forsyth, who works as an EMT, took immediate action as Gunner’s breathing became shallow. They swiftly decided to head to the hospital. Joy-Anna explained,Gunner still had not thrown up the ham, was gagging, and at this point, was not breathing for like 20 seconds.

Joy-Anna Duggar’s Son Hospitalized Following Choking Incident

A Parent’s Worst Fear

The severity of the situation caused Joy-Anna extreme anxiety.I was just crying out to God like, please save him… I thought I was going to lose one of my kids… it just like was terrifying, she shared.

A Long Journey to Safety

The drive to the hospital was agonizing for both parents. They turned to prayer during the long commute of nearly an hour.I was asking God, ‘Please, please save him, please save him… help us to get there’, Joy-Anna recalled.

Joy-Anna Duggar’s Son Hospitalized Following Choking Incident

Relief at Last

The panic subsided when Gunner eventually started breathing better. Subsequent medical tests at the hospital confirmed that he was alright. I was just so thankful that God protected him… whatever was in his throat wasn’t bothering him anymore, Joy-Anna concluded.

Joy-Anna Duggar’s Son Hospitalized Following Choking Incident

A Growing Family

Joy-Anna and Austin have three children: Gideon (6), Evelyn (3), and Gunner (1). The couple regularly updates their followers through their YouTube channel, Follow the Forsyths, which boasts over 218,000 subscribers.

Joy-Anna Duggar’s Son Hospitalized Following Choking Incident

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