Jade Roper: 10 Facts about the Marriage Boot Camp Star


Finding love on reality television can be difficult. Over the past 10+ years, there have been plenty of reality television shows where contestants fight to find love or to make someone fall in love with them. Jade Roper knows all about this. She competed on The Bachelor hoping to find love. Sadly, she didn’t. When she was asked to return and appear on Bachelor Paradise with other bachelors and bachelorettes who were as unlucky in love as her, she finally got what she wanted.

She met Tanner Tolbert and they got married. After they were married, they faded from the spotlight, until now.  Jade and Tanner have recently signed up to appear on season 6 of Marriage Boot Camp, the reality star version. If you plan to watch the upcoming season and want to learn more about Jade, read on.

There Are People Who Believe The Her Marriage May Not Really Be in Trouble

Jade and Tanner did fall in love quickly, however, anyone who saw The Bachelor Paradise knows that their love is real. That is why it is so difficult to believe that after only six months, their marriage is in trouble. The whole premise of Marriage Boot Camp is to help couples who are struggling and considering ending their relationships. The couple is currently building a house together. Couples who are building houses aren’t often having relationship problems.

It has been recently reported that Jade is planning to write a book. Marriage Boot Camp could be an idea from her PR team to put her back into the spotlight which will make more people want to read her book. Also, since the couple is building the house, maybe they need the money that they will be earning from the show.

She Took Advantage of Her Fame Early On

When Jade appeared on The Bachelor, she became famous. Rather than sitting around waiting for another reality television opportunity, she struck while the iron was hot and she created her own cosmetics company. It is called Natural Jade Cosmetics, and it has actually been doing well. Jade is a naturalist, therefore, there are no chemicals in her makeup. Her entire line is completely natural, just like her.

She Had a Non-Traditional Night Before Her Wedding

Most couples choose not to spend the night before their wedding together. Most couples spend the night apart with friends or family members. Jade wanted to do just the opposite. She wanted to spend the night with Tanner so that they could just relax before the wedding and enjoy each others company. According to Jade, it was a nice night to bond with her future husband after all the craziness of planning and preparing for the wedding was over.

She Made “Real” Reality Television Friends

Many people believe that what they see on reality television isn’t true. When it comes to the friends that Jade made on The Bachelor Paradise, that was real. While she and Tanner were falling in love in paradise, they made some lasting friendships. Three of the men from the show were part of the wedding. Jade’s friend, Carley from the show was a bridesmaid. She also wrote a song for the couple that she performed on the big day. According to Jade, the friendships that she made on reality television mean the world to her.

Jade Works With Festival of Hope

Festival of Hope is a charity that helps women with cancer cover expenses that have nothing to do with the actual disease. For example, if a woman loses her job because she is too sick to work, the charity will help her pay her rent, make her car payment, and even to put food on the table. Jade understands the needs of people with cancer, which is why she donates $1 of each sale to the charity.

She Loves to Cook

Jade loves to cook. So much so that before she started her own makeup line and before she got into reality television, she went to culinary school. According to Jade, she learned a lot about cooking and her love of cooking while she was in culinary school. Today, whenever she has some free time, she spends it in the kitchen cooking dinner for her new husband.

She Went Through a Childhood Trauma

When Jade was just 16 years old, she was sexually assaulted by a group of boys. She went to a party at one of the boys’ home and they held her against her will while they all assaulted her. When they were done, the drove her home knowing that her parents were not there and they dumped her off. It was a very traumatic thing for Jade to go through and it is something that has taken her a long time to get past. She never told anyone what happened to her.

She felt very ashamed and embarrassed. She was afraid that her parents would be disappointed in her and that her peers would blame her. She never told anyone about her ordeal until 2016 after seeing Lady Gaga perform and she felt inspired.

Lady Gaga Reached Out to Her

After Lady Gaga heard about how she inspired Jade, she reached out to her via social media. He told Jade that she is a warrior and that it is great that she told her story giving other women the strength that they needed to stand up for themselves.

Tanner Thinks That She is a Slob

According to Tanner, one of the biggest problems in their marriage is that he thinks that Jade is a slob. He also stated that he doesn’t feel like he has a teammate in the marriage because she does nothing to contribute.

Jade Roper’s Net Worth

Jade’s net worth is little if you compare it to famous Hollywood celebrities, however, in terms of the everyday person, she is doing well for herself. As of 2016, she has a net worth of $340,000.

Be sure to watch season 6 of Marriage Boot Camp. Chances are, plenty of her deepest secrets will come out while she and Tanner are working on their marriage.

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