10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ivan Sarakula

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ivan Sarakula

Ivan Sarakula is a reality television personality who is best known for his participation in the show “Married At First Sight Australia.” He appeared as one of the grooms in a social experiment that pairs couples who have never met one another together as man and wife for a set period of time. He has become a hot topic in gossip columns recently as his popularity increases. Here are 10 things that we discovered about him that you may or may not know.

1. He is a real estate agent

Ivan Sarakula is a real estate agent from Sydney, NSW. He is 20 years old and is looking for a partner who can see beyond his rather brusque personality and hang around long enough to get to know the real Ivan, who is often obscured by his sometimes offensive manner of speech.

2. Ivan is really a romantic at heart

Although there are viewers who might disagree, Ivan shared that deep within, he is a sentimental guy who has a firm belief in love and he is a romantic. His demeanor is a bit misleading because he speaks his mind without regard to how severely it can offend others. He maintains traditional family values, but his directness can at times, be offputting. It takes a strong woman to overlook his opinionated discourse to see who he is at heart.

3. He is fiercely loyal

Ivan was very upfront about is shortcomings, but he has a lot of good points as well. By nature, he is fiercely loyal. Just as much as he will stick to his guns in an argument when he believes he is right, he will honor a person that he is committed to. Anyone in a relationship with him will have to accept the good with the not so good or move on.

4. He worked for an auto company

Ivan Sarakula began his career in February of 2011. He was hired at Audi Sutherland in a management position. He wore a few different hats with the official title of the workshop foreman/controller/manager. This was a great deal of responsibility for a young man in his early 20s. He stayed at the job for almost 5 years before leaving for another job.

5. Ivan also worked as a consultant

Sarakula’s work history is diverse yet consistent. After leaving Audi Sutherland, he accepted a position for Ray White as a consultant. He spent just under three years working in the sales and marketing division of the company, offering consultation, which was a step up from his previous position at Audi. He left in February of 2018 to go into the real estate business. He has listed just three jobs on his LinkedIn profile, but there are no gaps in his employment history which shows that he takes the responsibility of earning a living very seriously. He has a strong work ethic.

6. He was rumored to have lost it with the producers of MAFS

Although there have been several times when Ivan Sarakula’s behaviors have been humorous, there was one time that it wasn’t, according to a spy on the set. Ivan was left in a room with Aleksandra for several days and it finally got to him. The spy reported that Ivan called the producers of the show some choice names which we can’t repeat here, then stormed out of the room. He was reportedly held accountable for his actions by three experts.

7. His battle with producers was about values conflicts

Ivan has traditional family values. When he was asked about his sex life with his television wife, he went on the defensive. He confessed that it’s not something that he feels right about discussing because it is a private matter. He resented the fact that the producers were trying to turn it into a sexual therapy session. When asked to discuss these sensitive matters, he became uncomfortable and felt pressured and he reacted in anger. The producers simply pushed Ivan too far and he refused to back down on his beliefs and values.

8. Ivan has a great reputation in the real estate business

If you’re wondering what kind of guy Ivan is outside of MAFS, he is a results-driven professional who is good at his job. He is honest and fair and he has established a good reputation with the clients that he serves. He strives to do his best to offer clients homes that they will be happy with, and he’s very good at negotiating. He consistently delivers excellent service and he deals with properties that are valued in the millions.

9. He believes the Coronavirus is a hoax

We were a bit shocked to learn his stance on the Coronavirus. He shared that he believes that it is all a big lie. He recently made headlines in the gossip columns with news of these comments. When he was pulled aside to clarify his previous statements he then explained that he didn’t know if it was a lie or not, but something about it isn’t right in his thinking. He compared it with the numbers of people infected and dying from the flu and it was left at that.

10. You can follow him on Instagram

Ivan Sarakula is popular on social media and there are 32.6k people following him on his Instagram page. There are 132 posts on the site and it is a great resource for seeing photos of Ivan and his co-stars on the “Married At First Sight” set. We can see by the thousands of people who follow him on the page that his popularity has soared since he appeared on the show. While some may not like his sometimes harsh approach, others believe his honesty is refreshing.

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