Vanderpump Rules Finale: Ariana Fights Producers While Tom and Lala Lose It Over Madix

The Vanderpump Rules season finale on May 14th was nothing short of explosive. The drama reached its peak when Ariana Madix clashed with producers after ex-boyfriend Tom Sandoval tried to talk to her at a party. The tension escalated as Lala Kent chimed in with biting comments, leaving fans and critics alike buzzing.

Vanderpump Rules Finale: Ariana Fights Producers While Tom and Lala Lose It Over Madix

The episode captured Ariana in a moment of raw emotion, breaking the fourth wall and confronting the show’s executive producer, Jeremiah Smith, about her unwillingness to film with Sandoval. When Jeremiah implored, Ariana, seriously, don’t do this, she retorted fiercely about Sandoval’s actions during their relationship:

Him f***ing walking up on me talking to Scheana… He doesn’t give a s*** if I f***ing died in a ditch or got a f***ing deadly STD the way he was f***ing around behind my back! That is non-informed consent! And he does not deserve to speak to me. He does not get access to me.

The incident occurred just after Ariana congratulated Scheana Shay on her singing at Kyle Chan’s Gold Whiskey Bar opening. The tension grew when Scheana mentioned Sandoval’s role in setting up her performance.

Vanderpump Rules Finale: Ariana Fights Producers While Tom and Lala Lose It Over Madix

Ariana maintains distance

Ariana was firm in her stance against communicating with Sandoval. During a toast at the event, she confided in Scheana:

I don’t want him to speak to me ever again. I don’t want apologies.

Scheana’s effort to mend the rift between them was met with resistance from Ariana, who emphasized that she wanted no further interaction with Sandoval.

Vanderpump Rules Finale: Ariana Fights Producers While Tom and Lala Lose It Over Madix

Lala Kent’s critical remarks

The situation intensified when Lala Kent vocalized her frustrations over Ariana’s behavior, accusing her of acting like she was above everyone else:

This happened to her, the world rallied around her. She now thinks she is Beyonce. It’s bulls*** that she can’t film with someone that she stays under the same roof!

Lala’s harsh words underscored the mounting tension within the group, hinting at deeper fractures in their relationships.

Vanderpump Rules Finale: Ariana Fights Producers While Tom and Lala Lose It Over Madix

Sandoval’s perspective

Tom Sandoval expressed his regrets and pointed out his efforts to reach out:

I know what I did was really f–ked up… there are evil, evil people in this world, and sometimes they’re the closest people to you, he discussed during a conversation with Scheana.

Vanderpump Rules Finale: Ariana Fights Producers While Tom and Lala Lose It Over Madix

Ariana breaks down

A pivotal moment unfolded when Ariana discovered an intimate FaceTime screen recording of Raquel on Tom’s phone during the party confrontation, revealing:

My stomach dropped into my f–king ass.

Vanderpump Rules Finale: Ariana Fights Producers While Tom and Lala Lose It Over Madix

Fans react strongly

The finale left both fans and critics reflecting on the raw emotions displayed by the cast members throughout the episode. Social media platforms were awash with opinions, highlighting how viewers deeply connected with the intense showdowns and personal revelations shared onscreen.

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