There has to have been an idea for a Parenting Network on television right? I just ran a search and unless I’m missing something I couldn’t find a TV network that’s specifically dedicated to parenting. One would think that if there are networks dedicated to home improvement, soap operas, food, gardening, then parenting would have to be in the mix right? I’ve seen websites dedicated to parenting. I’ve seen Youtube channels dedicated to parenting. We see kids shows on TV all the time. We see children’s oriented material in the media non stop. Parenting is far and away one of the biggest businesses in the world.
So why no parenting network on TV? Honestly I don’t have an answer but I do have some ideas. Being a parent of two boys I can first hand tell you that I for one would love a parenting channel. You could include educational programs that answer questions about children of all ages. From baby stuff to how to deal with teens I’m sure there are loads of parents out there who would be very interested in this kind of programming.
And then for the folks that want to wind down, you can introduce some comedy into the mix. But there’s so much more. Don’t you think people would benefit from tutorials on putting cribs together, installing baby seats, and getting those food stains off the carpet?
How about more psychological segments like “how to tell if your child is lying to you?” There’s a wealth of information out there and we certainly know there are loads of parents out there that could use the help. If anyone is reading this then I’m ready to talk. Seriously. Let’s set up a meeting and come up with something. Oprah? Where are you. I’m sure Harpo could use another income stream.
Seriously though, will all the TV networks out there getting more specialized I find it extremely troubling that there’s no parenting network. That is all.
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