Week 6 Seasonal Challenges in Destiny 2 are live. Season of the Chosen in Destiny 2 launched recently and with it came a brand new section of the quest tab on the Director called “seasonal challenges.” These are brand new challenges that are not unlike the weekly challenges we’ve seen in Fortnite. These new seasonal challenges will provide a weekly incentive to do certain activities in the game, but it won’t only give you something to do – these seasonal challenges are actually required in order to level up your reputation at the War Table in the new H.E.L.M. location. So how do you complete the seasonal challenges for this week in Destiny 2 and what exactly do you get from completing all of these weekly challenges?
Contender’s Ascent VI
In order to complete the Contender’s Ascent VI challenge for week 6, you’ll need to complete the “Challenger’s Proving VI” quest step and as well as defeat Cabal using a Bow anywhere in the system. These are your only two objectives for the quest this week and 60 Cabal kills with a bow seems pretty manageable to me. Once you complete this challenge, you’ll receive XP, an Imperial Needle Bow (the new seasonal Bow from Season of the Chosen), some lore, and War Table Reputation (Large).
Nightfall Variety Attack
In order to complete the Nightfall Variety Attack for week 6, you’ll need to defeat combatants using Sniper Rifles, Submachine Guns, Rocket Launchers, or Bows in Nightfall: The Ordeal. To complete this challenge, you will need to defeat a total of 80 combatants with the specified weapons. Completing this challenge will grant you some seasonal XP that you can use to level up your Season Pass.
Once Chosen, Now Fallen
In order to complete the Once Chosen, Now Fallen seasonal challenge in Destiny 2, you’ll need to calibrate weapons against Fallen. To complete this challenge, you will need to defeat a total of 200 Fallen enemies, though you can earn bonus progress for defeating Fallen combatants with precision final blows. Completing the Once Chosen, Now Fallen challenge will reward you with some Bright Dust and seasonal XP.
Conquest of the Mighty
In order to complete the Conquest of the Might seasonal challenge in Destiny 2, you will need to complete any Nightfall: The Ordeal strike on the Grandmaster difficulty. This might actually be the toughest challenge we’ve seen so far, and may be the single challenge that prevents many players from completing every single challenge. Grandmaster Nightfalls are no joke, so if you do decide to try your hand at this challenge, do yourself a favor and go in prepared. If you somehow manage to complete this challenge, you will be rewarded with 4x seasonal XP and some Bright Dust. Good luck.
Small-Caliber Contender
In order to complete the Small-Caliber Contender seasonal challenge, you will need to defeat combatants using a Submachine Gun. Now, you can do this anywhere, but Submachine Gun kills in Battlegrounds missions will grant you the most efficient progress. To complete this challenge, you’ll need to defeat a total of 400 enemies with a Submachine Gun. Completing the Small-Caliber Contender challenge will reward you with some seasonal XP to help you on your journey to level 100 in the Season Pass.
Cabal Contenders
In order to complete the Cabal Contenders seasonal challenge in Destiny 2, you will need to defeat Elite or Boss Cabal anywhere in Battlegrounds missions. Unfortunately, there’s no way that you can earn bonus progress through precision final blows, or anything like that, however there’s plenty of Elite and Boss Cabal in Battlegrounds missions, so I suggest hopping into a Nessus or Cosmodrome Battlegrounds mission and getting to taking out their command…one…by…one. Completing this challenge will reward you with some seasonal XP and War Table Reputation (Large).
Kill Them With Style
The final challenge you’ll need to complete for week 6 is Kill Them With Style. In order to complete this challenge, you’ll just need to acquire the Pyretic ornament for the Salvager’s Salvo Grenade Launcher. This is the Crucible ornament, so be sure to pick up the quest from Lord Shaxx and hop into some Crucible to start completing that quest. After you complete this challenge, you will be rewarded with some Bright Dust and seasonal XP.
There’s only 7 challenges this week compared to the 8 we had last week and the 10 we’ve had before that, so it seems like we might be gearing up to slow down this season with some longer challenges, however not as many. I still think that Conquest of the Mighty is going to be the hardest challenge for most people, but I’m going to give it a go once my fireteam and I hit 1325 Power.
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