How to Apply for The Bachelor or The Bachelorette: A Step-by-Step Guide

It’s one thing to watch The Bachelor or The Bachelorette and enjoy all the drama playing out from your couch. It’s completely another to be a part of it. Do you feel like you have what it takes to get the final rose? Do you imagine yourself as a contestant? Hey, we don’t blame you. For all we know, being a contestant can propel you into an extremely giving career. 

In fact, we’re here to help you apply for The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. Competing with about 25 contestants on the show, however, can be exhausting. But if you’re lucky and market yourself well, this could be the opportunity of a lifetime. So if you’ve been vying to be a contestant on The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, watch out for the next steps. Plus, if you’ve been wondering what to wear to the casting call or how to make yourself stand out, we’ve covered that too.

How to Apply for The Bachelor or The Bachelorette

All the contestants on the Bachelors season 23

1. What are the Eligibility Requirements for The Bachelor and The Bachelorette?

The first thing you need to do is make sure you’re eligible as a contestant and decide whether you agree with their terms or not. As far as the eligibility requirements for The Bachelor and The Bachelorette are concerned — they’re straightforward and the same for both. The Bachelor Nation (the official website for the franchise), lists some basic requirements first, followed by a couple of consent-related disclaimers about the rights of certain materials submitted by the contestant (once selected). The basic eligibility requirements are:

  • The contestant must be at least twenty-one (21) years old
  • Must be legal residents of the United States or Canada (excluding Quebec)
  • May not be a candidate for any type of elected political office
  • Must have a passport valid for one year following application, capable of unrestricted travel to/from the US and within the EU
  • Must be single, not involved in a committed intimate relationship
  • Must never have been convicted of a felony or had a restraining order against them
  • Neither applicant nor immediate family members can be employees of certain related entities

The additional consent required (once selected) involves consent to sharing the audio/video content and being videotaped 24/7, authorizing producers to run a background check, availability and ability to travel to LA for further interviews, and more. The rest of the details can be read on the Eligibility Requirements page on the official website. Next up, there are two ways interested people can apply for The Bachelor or The Bachelorette.

2. Online Application

The first method is to apply online — however, keep in mind that it still leads to further interviews in person before the final selection. It requires you to submit a form that asks for your basic information, your social media handles, and a few questions (to verify the applicant’s eligibility). The ability to apply online also gives you an edge to pitch yourself better using your social media handles (especially if you’re an internet personality with an interesting online presence). Plus, if you don’t get selected, you can perhaps find out where you went wrong and make amends as soon as the casting calls open.

3. Casting Calls

The other way to apply for The Bachelor or The Bachelorette is through the casting call the producers arrange before each season. The casting calls for The Bachelor Season 28 are actually open right now. So if you’re interested in applying, now is your chance! All you need to do is complete the application form. The form/questionnaire asks for your personal details and more detailed questions like your past relationship history, alcohol consumption, description of your ideal mate, and more. 

Tips and Tricks on How to Stand Out While Applying on The Bachelor/The Bachelorette

Jamie King on the Show

There are 100s of applicants each season. The show has a viewership of millions. The competition is far from easy. But making it to the show as a contestant is possible if you get a few things right! We’ve listed a few things we’ve learned from contestants from past shows to help you get it right.

For instance, Jamie King — a contestant from Season 21 told WGNO — “When filling out an application or conversing with a producer, it’s best to be as honest and truthful as possible. Be open and it will go a long way.

Plus (and almost every contestant seconds this), dress like yourself. Don’t try to be what you’re not. Don’t try to be different. You might get selected for being the odd one out but that’ll be temporary. If you want to play the long game, you have to be yourself, comfortable, and neat. Jamie King also shared, “The producers want you to dress like you’re going on a date.” This makes sense because, in the show, you’re actually mostly on dates — sometimes on group dates, sometimes 1-on-1 dates. 

Is The Bachelor Scripted?

Couple on the Bachelorette - How to Apply for The Bachelor Bachelorette

Although the show is based on reality and there are several couples who actually got married and are living happy lives — there have been some questions about the show’s authenticity. In February 2009, The Bachelor season 13’s contestant Megan Parris commented, “I don’t think the producers shared any real conversation I had with anybody. You’ll hear someone make one comment and you’ll then see a certain expression on somebody else’s face. But in reality, somebody would’ve made that face about something else at another time. It’s just piecing things together to make a story.

In another BTS leak during the taping of The Bachelor episode “The Women Tell All” — the producer was heard encouraging Courtney Robertson to fake certain emotions for the camera. More incidents have been reported over the years. However, it just looks basic criteria at this point because the show needs to have a good flow. It makes sense for the producers/stakeholders to edit in and edit out certain parts to make the show more exciting for TV.

What Is the Purpose of the Bachelor TV Show?

Couples interacting with each other on the show

The purpose of The Bachelor (and The Bachelorette) TV show is to provide an entertaining platform for the audience and an engaging one for the contestants. A bachelor (or bachelorette) finds his/her potential romantic partner(s) from a group of contestants. Over a series of dates and social interactions broadcasted to viewers, the bachelor (or bachelorette) gradually narrows down the pool of contestants The ultimate goal is for the bachelor (or bachelorette) to find a partner with whom they share a strong connection. This potentially leads to an engagement in the show’s finale. 

How Does The Bachelor Franchise Choose the Bachelor?

Contestants sitting around on the show - How to Apply for The Bachelor Bachelorette

The show’s stakeholders choose whoever they believe is a good fit for the show. Choosing a Bachelor or Bachelorette is a one-time decision so they do it very carefully. The franchise host, Chris Harrison, in an interview with E! News revealed, “There’s a lot of things that go into making this decision. We choose whoever we believe is the right choice at the right time.” For example, we could just go to Tyler Cameron. But if we go to Tyler Cameron and we find that he’s been bopping around the town dating Hadids and Hannah (Brown). Or he’s trending for the reasons we find are not good for the show. He might not be a good choice to play a good bachelor.” Harrison added.

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