“Long Island Medium” is an American series that airs on TLC and first showed on September 25th, 2011. The series runs for between 22 to 42 minutes per episode. Its filming started in New York City, and it revolves around Theresa Caputo, a self-announced medium who alleges she can talk to the dead. It follows Theresa as she channels for people eager to communicate with their loved ones and conducts group readings to her believers. Theresa, who has two children, said that her family has understood her way of life and has adapted to living with a mother who performs mediumship. In an interview with the Channel Guide Magazine in 2011, she stated she started seeing spirits when she was four years old, and that caused anxiety problems for her. Her mother took her to a friend who was a spiritual healer. She then started seeing the spiritual healer who figured out spirits were trying to communicate to her and taught her how to communicate via visions. Let’s take a look at how the show “Long Island Medium” has evolved since season 1.
Commercials incorporation
In 2012, Priceline.com, a travel and hotel reservation company, put up an advertisement depicting the ‘death’ of William Shatner. In the commercial, William plays a Priceline’s Negotiator, who dies while attempting to save people from a crashed bus. The actor had been working for Priceline.com for 14 years, and as gratitude towards his legacy, Priceline.com decided to cast an advertisement to remember his ‘death.’ The company called on Theresa Caputo to work with them and create a commercial that portrays her as the medium between the dead Negotiator and ‘Priceline.com’ customers. In the advertisement, Caputo conducts her mediumship and passes the Negotiator’s message to customers; how to save money with Priceline.com. For a show that started solely on focusing on people’s personal stories, having its main cast in a commercial is a milestone. It shows how its reach to the world is growing. According to Ocean Media, Theresa was the most fitting person to help ‘Priceline.com’ continue to honor William’s history with the firm.
Reading to celebrities
When Theresa partnered with TLC to produce the show, it showed her channeling for ordinary citizens who needed closure from the passing of their loved ones. With time, the show progressed, and now even global superstars are seeking Theresa’s help to communicate with the dead. In its last episode of season 13, the show hosts John Richard Schneider, an actor and country musician renowned for his role in “The Duke of Hazzard” movie. The actor whose parents died said he visited the show to get an apology from his mother and say something to his father. John narrated his mother told him to stay with her on her deathbed, or she will die. He, however, left, and the next time he went back, his mother had died. John cited that he needed an apology from his mother for what she said, something he got after visiting the “Long Island Medium” show. After the reading, he confessed to talking to his dad and passing a message. In March 2019, Theresa visited the house of global reality star Kim Kardashian and performed her mediumship to Kim and Khloe Kardashian.
Channeling for live audiences
On January 20th, 2016, Long Island Medium took Theresa to a talk show known as “The Meredith Vieira Show.” During the interview, Theresa channeled for a random member of the audience who had lost her father. She connected the woman to her dead father and informed her that the dad would like her to make decisions in his absence and live a happy life. In another instance, Theresa visits the “Kelly and Ryan Show,” where Theresa performs mediumship to a woman in the audience; the woman did not say goodbye to her dead mother. She relays to the woman that her deceased mother knows she wanted to say goodbye, but she was not around. Therefore she should live in peace and let go of her guilt.
In 2014, Theresa attended the infamous “Ellen DeGeneres Show” and read for a group of people from the show’s audience. She communicates with the spirit of a mother of a woman who lost her son. She tells the woman her mom said she had met her son, and she should be peaceful for her son is in peace too. Another young man gets a message from his mother telling him not to get a tattoo. The show has grown from meeting with people and groups in private to performing mediumship on live television to audiences across many shows in the U.S.
Touring the country
Not many TV shows grow and touch people to the point that they have to conduct a nationwide tour to reach more people. When the show’s first season premiered, touring and selling out events was not part of the production’s plan. The show has grown since then hence the need for tours and events. Both believers and critics drive for long hours to participate in the show’s events and Theresa’s readings. Philadelphia News reported that people pay up to $125 per ticket for her shows. With the increased popularity, “Long Island Medium” will have daily events from October 22nd, 2019 to March 2020.
A large number of viewers
In 2011 when the show premiered, its viewership performance was not so appealing with the first season registering an average of one million viewers. The following season marked a considerable improvement as the show recorded its viewership numbers to be an estimated 2.2 million viewers per episode. Its season three went to tally a median of 3 million viewers through the whole season. Since then, the show has been over the top in viewership numbers. A report published by Viamedia in March 2017 showed that it is pulling more viewers every year in a manner that other cable TV shows can only imagine. The growth in the audience is a massive development depicting that people have embraced “Long Island Medium.”
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