Here’s Why Giselle Shouldn’t Return to the Fast and Furious Franchise

Here’s Why Giselle Shouldn’t Return to the Fast and Furious Franchise

There shouldn’t be much of a question why bringing Gisele back into the Fast and Furious franchise would be a bad idea, since the retconning that’s already been done to bring back Owen Shaw and Han is enough to get a lot of people to roll their eyes and wonder what’s next. And that’s without mentioning the arrival of John Cena as Jakob in F9. But seeing as how Gisele sacrificed herself to save Han it would also cheapen that selfless act in a big way unless the audience is bound to be told that it was all planned from the start and things were made to appear as something that they weren’t. This was done with Han after all, since it was believed that back when Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift was released that Han had been killed. It’s amazing what can be done with retconning, right? The desire that might be there to bring Gisele back is bound to be picked up by the fans since as it’s been seen, a lot of FF followers are bound to take anything and everything that the franchise has to offer and just go with it.

But there is a moment when one has to ask: where’s the tipping point? When does the story become ridiculous enough that it’s finally become a comic book movie with less believable scenarios than the MCU or DC? Gisele was a great character, but bringing characters back is tricky since bringing Han back was kind of sketchy as it was since it involved a great deal of trickery that brought the feel of a soap opera to the action franchise, but trying to tell that to the fans is bound to be met with a lot of resistance. The idea of bringing Gisele back is likely to soothe whatever feelings were hurt since when she died when Han died, a lot of people were a little bit upset since they wanted to see more of that particular story as it developed. Now that Han’s back it feels as though Gisele might have shot unless saner heads prevail and realize that even the FF franchise can’t always explain away a death that would require superhuman conditioning to survive. 

This is the Fast and Furious we’re talking about, so the plot armor is thick when it comes to the franchise and it’s bound to happen that the character could show back up again if Gal Gadot has a bit of time in her busy schedule and the FF crew decides to go out with a slightly bigger bang for the last two movies. But it’s still our belief that the character should remain dead since, even though there’s always room left when it comes to retconning one part of a franchise or another, Gisele was given a death that would require her to be the luckiest woman in the world when it came to surviving a fall that couldn’t possibly be survived by anyone without diamond-hard skin or a helluva a good healing factor. Plus, as I mentioned above, the fact that she went out saving Han’s life was a moment that was etched in the franchise as a heart-wrenching sacrifice that still meant a great deal since the two of them cared about each other so much. 

Cheapening that moment and essentially making it matter a bit less feels like it would be a disservice to the character and a seriously big plot hole in the making if Gisele does return. Hopefully, the FF crew wouldn’t come up with the idea that she has a twin sister or something else that’s just as lame, but at this point, it’s not wise to put anything past them. As of a few movies ago it feels highly likely that the writer’s room sounds eerily like a different version of what was seen in Matrix Resurrections when people were throwing out catchphrases and saying the same thing over and over and over. To say that sitting in that room would be like listening to a broken record is putting it kindly, but to think that many people would pay for the chance to hear how the FF movies are conceptualized is more proof that innovation and creativity are taking a serious nosedive when it comes to some movies. 

So far it’s a big hope that FF 10 and 11 will be the last in the main story, but again, there’s no telling what’s going to happen since it’s already been proven that these movies will go anywhere and do anything they feel the fans are going to cheer for. Bringing Gisele back into the picture though is one place that the movies don’t need to go since to do so is to go full soap opera, and unless that’s the main theme of the movie, you NEVER go full soap opera. 

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