Here’s How to Create “Lil’ Bits” from Rick and Morty in Real Life

Here’s How to Create “Lil’ Bits” from Rick and Morty in Real Life

Here’s How to Create “Lil’ Bits” from Rick and Morty in Real Life

Binging with Babish is always a joy to watch since his explanations of what’s going on and what he’s doing are a lot of fun to listen to and watch considering that he’s quite the cook and the knows what he’s doing. Plus, he usually takes on challenges from other shows and makes what he sees in an effort to see what it’s like, and this time he took on the idea of Lil’ Bits from Rick and Morty to see what it might be like to cook a tiny lasagna, a tiny pizza, and a tiny apple pie. The effort paid off since the batch of lasagna ended up looking like a regular, healthy-sized piece of lasagna, while the pizza looked like something that one might find as part of a package in the frozen food aisle, a bite-sized creation that looked pretty good really. The apple pie came out great as well, looking more like an apple tart of sorts but still looking absolutely tasty. Of course for characters like those shown in the Rick and Morty clip who have big heads and little mouths this food would be absolutely perfect since it was all proportioned for someone that doesn’t have a gaping opening beneath their nose that could be used to swallow half a burger all at once. But in reality cooking smaller foods has become something of a trend if one visits Facebook from time to time since there are plenty of people that have been making smaller meals such as this, and some that are even smaller. In fact there’s a video out there of a hamster being served a stack of pancakes that are about the size of an average person’s pinkie nail.

Something about the cute aspect of tiny food has people wanting to do make more of it, but thankfully it’s more of a trend than the norm considering that people do realize that an average human body can’t really exist on such small portions all the time. Even what Babish has made here wouldn’t be enough to sustain a fully-grown individual for long, but it would be enough to keep them alive. Having to make food like this for an extended period of time might be kind of a pain though since such small batches would certainly sell out in record time and trying to keep them coming would require several chefs working in tandem to make it happen, or an assembly line that specializes in tiny things. Dani Barrow of Mashed has more to say on this subject. That’d be a sight to see, wouldn’t it?

Rick and Morty continues to wend and wind its way through pop culture and at this time it’s a wonder just how far it’s going to go since the show has influenced quite a few things without being one of the most sought after shows in history as of yet. It has an impressive fan base that are entirely loyal to the show and more than willing to wait for each coming season, but being that it’s on Adult Swim, which is watched by some but not by quite as many as other networks, it’s easy to think that Rick and Morty might remain as a popular outlier when it comes to pop culture instead of a fully-established idea that will become a household name. I could be wrong, in fact Rick and Morty might be known to more people than some of us are even aware of, but the overall feeling is that a lot of people that don’t know that much about it have either looked at the show and decided that it’s not for them or belong to a generation when cartoons were still fairly innocent and weren’t meant to provoke intense feelings in an audience to such a degree. There’s no denying that show does provoke quite a few reactions from people, but for the most part it’s good, psychotic fun that a lot of folks have decided is worth their time and their money. Troy Patterson of The New Yorker has more to say about the show.

As far as Lil’ Bits goes it’s just one more oddity in the show that was set up to be its own thing and make people laugh. In a way the small face, big head idea has been done several times before, but actually catering to said characters by creating small batches of regular foods is something that a lot of people might not have thought of right off the bat. Obviously Babish caught on to this or was turned on to it, and the video is actually entertaining and not too hard to follow. For those that like a challenge this might be worthwhile at the moment since it might actually take a bit of effort to complete, and it does look like it could be worth it. That apple pie looked especially good to be certain.

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