Grey’s Anatomy Preview: Is Jo Right to be Concerned about Alex and Meredith?

Grey's Anatomy

For months Grey’s Anatomy‘s Jo Wilson has been silently simmering in her anger towards Meredith Grey. She’s watched the strength of Grey’s friendship with her boyfriend Alex and her annoyance with the situation has slowly been building to indignation and resentment. In tonight’s episode Jo Wilson confronts the other woman in her boyfriend’s life to tell her she has had enough. But will she get the peace she hopes for, or will her actions unintentionally wreak havoc?

The friendship between Alex Karev and Meredith Grey has been a cornerstone of the drama for years. They started together as interns, supported each other through the toughest times in their respective lives, and he even spoke on her behalf when she and Derek wanted to adopt Zola. Though Meredith hasn’t relied on Alex in any way that is inappropriate, their friendship has become stronger in recent years, especially since Derek’s death and Cristina’s departure. That fact hasn’t sat so well with the other woman in Alex’s life, girlfriend Jo Wilson. For her it’s been a tricky balance maintaining her relationship while knowing Alex has such a strong connection with another woman. There has been some speculation that this was a big deciding factor in Jo’s decision to turn down Alex’s proposal a few months back. It doesn’t help that that other woman doesn’t outwardly show alot of respect for Jo. That’s not to say that she’s ever been cruel or unfair to Jo, Meredith has just been disinterested and blase about her existence for the most part. Now it seems that Jo has reached her breaking point and can longer stay silent about her feelings.

“Odd Man Out”-Richard throws everyone for a loop when he switches the resident and attending pairings, and Arizona takes a huge risk on a woman who is pregnant with quadruplets. Meanwhile, April is faced with a difficult decision.

So viewers, is Jo just in her outrage over Meredith’s attitude towards her, or is she overreacting?

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