General Hospital: Sam Makes A Huge Announcement

General Hospital: Sam Makes A Huge Announcement

General Hospital fans are excited to see what Sam is up to today. She has an announcement to make, and it’s a big one. We don’t know what she’s going to say, but we suspect it has to do with the future of her marriage to Jason. We know they’re focusing on making positive changes in their lives, and this might be just the way they plan on doing that. By announcing that they’re going to move, they’re going to do something big, or whatever, they’re making it known to everyone that their family comes first.

We know that whatever is going to happen in their marriage is going to change the way they are with their friends, particularly with Sonny and with Carly. We know Sonny has put them in some serious positions and situations recently, and it’s not good news for them to have to deal with this the way that it’s been. They have to handle their marriage and focus on what’s good for them. And that sometimes means letting go of things and people that aren’t benefiting them any way.

And what better way for them to handle this situation than to make it public? Of course, we also know that there is a good chance Sam could be pregnant again, too. There’s always that possibility because it would make the entire situation more complicated when it came to the new/old Jason showing up here in the near future and we can’t wait to see it.

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