General Hospital: Pivotal Moments in Michael’s Life

General Hospital: Pivotal Moments in Michael’s Life

General Hospital fans know there is one thing that will never change, and that is the fact that Michael will never be entirely happy. He’s a young man whose life has been rough from the start all because of his mother and her marriage to Sonny. Michael loves his family, and he loves the people he has in his life, but he’s never been entirely happy because of their situation and the drama that it brings to the table. It seems that every single time he tries to find happiness in his life, someone finds a way to take it right from him. He’s in a dark place right now, but he’s trying to get out of it. We don’t know if he will, but we did want to take a moment to look back at the many moments in his life in which he was so affected by so many things. The moments that helped shape him into the man he is now, and the moments that brought him to this sad point in his life.

His Mother’s Life Issues

It’s not a big secret that Carly has her issues, and he happens to be her son. While it seems that he did not inherit any of her less desirable qualities, he is a young man who has a lot of issues to live through and work through on his own. For example, he does have to deal with things like his mother being a total lunatic as a child. She did not have Sonny at that time, and she was making some very poor decisions. For example, that was a time when she was in the middle of having an affair with her mother’s own ex-husband while also having a one-night stand with a man she hated more than anyone in the world. That man was AJ Quatermaine, who we all know has his own long list of issues. She ended up pregnant by him, had Michael, and her life changed. Thankfully, she’s gotten it together so much better, but this was a pivotal time in his life to have a mother with so much hate, anger, and animosity.

His Relationship with Nelle

When he met Nelle, his mother was not happy. Of course, she wasn’t happy, though. She thought that Nelle slept with her husband, and Michael was still okay with that. This relationship caused many issues with him and his family, and it caused the almost-end of his mother and adoptive father’s marriage. She ended up pregnant, and the idea of having a baby of his own was so good for him. He was so happy to learn this, even though he was slowly beginning to see that perhaps his mother was not crazy and that Nelle was the crazy one. It affected him so much because of all the hurt and anger she brought to his life, and he will never get over that.

The Loss of his Brother

Losing Morgan was a crushing blow to Michael, and to the rest of their family. Knowing that he is gone and will not return hurts all of them, and there is little that he can do about that. He’s been a young man who has tried to be there for his family since this time, but it’s not yet worked out for any of them. He’s been the rock, but he’s struggling with his own life, too.

The Loss of His Son

When Nelle gave birth to their son following a car accident that he caused, she told him their baby son died. He did not die. She gave him to Brad and Lucas because their newborn son did die. The baby was taken by his new father, lied about, and all was not well. Michael is still grieving, though he is the godfather of his own son without any knowledge to himself. Thankfully, the truth is almost out, and he might just end up being able to come back from his in some capacity. Learning he’s known his son his entire life might make him feel so much more alive as a person when he has the chance to be a father for the first time.

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