The Game 4.10 “Whip It, Whip It Good” Review

The Game decided to touch on the issue of parents this week as we were reintroduced to Melanie’s parents, who seem to like Derwin this time around now that he’s famous, and Jason gets a lesson in parenting himself after leaving Brittany with Tasha Mack.

The about face with Melanie’s parents, namely her mother Grace, concerning Derwin is wrong, yet plausible. It’s been two years and a lot could’ve happened between then and now where the Barnetts’ could’ve gotten over Derwin being their son in law. While I thought the sucking up was a bit too much for even comedic purposes, I was just waiting for the them to reneg on their ass kissing once the truth about Derwin’s role in the contributions to their causes came to light. Instead, they didn’t seem phased about it and Grace didn’t become a demon in the process, which is why I’m thinking that a talk happened and everyone made a truce from then on out.

Purists of The Game might think that the new Grace is unacceptable, but I personally go tired of her sniping at Derwin all the time. She seemed like she was highly unhappy and didn’t want Melanie to be as well, which would’ve grown old after a while. On the flip side, Grace only wanted the best for Melanie and initially reacted like any mother would, but she’s grown to respect Melanie’s decision to support Derwin’s career, which is a huge improvement on her part. In a way, I’m glad Grace didn’t turn into a stock character like Mama Payne from Martin became, because it solidifies that The Game is more than just a comedy and can handle dramatic elements with character growth with ease.

Now let’s discuss Tasha Mack and the switch, the Bible, and all other black stereotypes that has stunted me from even trying to begin this part of the review. While the jokes were funny, at the same time they weren’t funny. I rolled my eyes at some of the jokes, but the others could have caused a few people to call foul on the show for ‘crossing the line.’ With that said, I’m just going to leave that issue alone out of fear of igniting drama that isn’t needed at the moment.

As for Jason’s parenting skills and Brit-Brat losing her damn mind, what did he expect? I don’t blame Kelly fully for the way Brittany turned out and I’m going to go on a limb and blame Jason and Kelly’s divorce as a means for Brittany’s behavior or mainly Jason himself. The kid didn’t respect either parent due to them using her as a conduit for their hate towards each other and they eventually created a monster. But will settling down and raising Brittany finally get Jason to grow up a little himself?

I don’t have much to say on this week’s episode, but next week seems like a doozy. What were your thoughts? Three episodes to go!

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