The Game 4.06 “Men in Crisis” Review

After dealing with Malik’s issues for the past few weeks, The Game returned it’s attention back on the season opening storyline featuring Janay and it’s safe to say that they didn’t disappoint.

In light of the DNA/mouth-swabbing snafu, Janay has ordered Derwin to attend court on a semi-daily basis. At least that’s what Melanie had been thinking. In fact, Derwin had been playing house at Janay’s and lying to both women about it. While he hasn’t been with Janay romantically, Derwin’s actions were still ill-advised and it doesn’t make things look any better in Melanie or Janay’s eyes.

With that said, I personally didn’t buy Janay’s (or is it Jenae’s?) victim spiel, because she should’ve known better that Derwin only wanted to see his son and has every right to do so. If anyone has been selfish in the matter, then it was her. I don’t know who came up with the arrangement they had, but Janay had to know that Derwin wasn’t going to leave Melanie and return to her. Janay clearly still wants Melanie’s spot, but is putting up good game to conceal that fact despite cracks in her resolve. The whole handbag thing from the premiere was unnecessary, especially with her gloating how the bag looked better on her and not Melanie. However, Janay needs to come to grips with the fact that dangling DJ in front of Derwin is not going to help her case, neither is keeping the kid from him.

While Derwin did stir up a cloud of mess with his lying, the only person who should’ve been hurt in the matter was Melanie, because 1) she’s Derwin’s wife, 2) she had reason to think something more was going on than what was implied, and 3) she came out looking like the fool in the end. Granted, this is karma biting Melanie in the ass a bit, but she came out the most wounded in this debacle. Janay, on the other hand, set herself up for a fall and really can’t blame anyone but herself for the anger she feels. Maybe she and Kelly should hook up and discuss the art of not letting things go in the matters of the heart.

While Melanie is dealing with baby mama drama, Tasha is rocking the cradle of her young suitor Dante and his critique on her “balling” spending that is highly unnecessary. “Hood rich” was the perfect label for the way Tasha flaunts her money, because she acts like she hs never had anything before, which at this point in her life is a lie. Dante is 24 years old and gets the concept of saving and purchasing when necessary, which is pretty sad. The only thing that I actually cared about in Tasha’s storyline tonight was the scene she shared with Malik. It was short, too the point, and showed a responsible, mature Malik Wright that is long overdue. How long will this last? We are still taking bets on the subject.

Kelly Pitts made an appearance last night, which was long overdue. She’s still drinking, still bitter, and still rocking that haircut, which I’m going to need her change immediately.

Seven episodes of The Game to go! What are your thoughts so far?

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