Five Underrated Ryan Reynolds Films

Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool. It’s a signature role that he’s knocked out of the park and he’s essentially synonyms with that character. Like most actors in Hollywood, Reynolds has been typecast as a certain brand and it’s hard to not notice these characteristics when you finally see the pattern. However, Reynold’s filmography isn’t filled with snarky quips and goofy (but hilarious) one-liners.

The Golden Globe nominee has shown some diversity in his career and there are plenty of films that often go under the radar. Ryan Reynolds is a pretty good actor and though he mainly goes for the same type of films that suits his brand, his versatility is quite fun to watch. These are five films in the actor’s filmography that are worth checking out.

Smokin’ Aces

Five Underrated Ryan Reynolds Films

You wouldn’t be faulted if you think that Smokin’ Aces is a Tarantino knockoff. The film is layered with Taratino-isms: excessive violence, colorful characters, and juicy dialogue. However, Smokin’ Aces is downright fun. Yes, the story is a bit convoluted, but once it hits the second act then it fires on all cylinders. Admittedly, Reynolds is one of the tamer characters in the film, but he has plenty of fun moments, though some of the random scenes like the kid and Hollis (Martin Henderson) were hilarious, but it did slow down the momentum of the film overall.

Safe House

Five Underrated Ryan Reynolds Films

Every now and then, Reynolds pops up in a serious role and he impresses more often than not. It helps that Reynolds is working alongside one of the best actors of this generation – Denzel Washington. The Oscar winner is as compelling as Tobin Frost. There’s a suave level of coolness that comes with Denzel’s performances, but it’s how he manages to embody the character overall that keeps you engaged.

His scenes with Reynolds as the two men are on the run are highly entertaining. Reynolds playing a rookie CIA agent dealing with an unpredictable ex-agent allows for him to tap into a vulnerable position that he doesn’t showcase much these days. There are no quippy one-liners. Nor is there a smug or sarcastic crack about the situation. Reynolds genuinely feels like an agent who is on high alert at any and all times. Safe House is a predictable film overall, but it’s definitely one worth watching in the end.


Five Underrated Ryan Reynolds Films

Arguably Reynolds’s best performance to date. Buried mainly took place in one location and the focus was sorely on Reynold’s character Paul Conroy. The anxiety, panic, and fear were all conveyed nicely in the actor’s performance and he remained engaging throughout. The claustrophobic premise is quite risky because it needs a high-caliber actor to pull off such a bold film.

Of course, a tremendous amount of help is due to the writing, which finds unique ways to drill out tension and dread throughout its runtime. Buried is the perfect film that highlights just how strong of an actor Reynolds is, and though he’ll likely remain synonymous with with the role of Deadpool, Buried is the film that truly tested his limits are a performer.

The Voices

Five Underrated Ryan Reynolds Films

A mild-mannered serial killer who has the ability to talk to animals? Sounds right up the actor’s alley, but The Voices has so much more depth beyond its dark premise. It’s really about a misguided young man who’s bearing the scars of a tragic past. Reynolds is able to navigate between comedy and horror with ease. However, his heart-to-heart with his therapist towards the climax really brought a surprising emotional dimension that actually makes you feel bad for the serial killer.

Just Friends

Five Underrated Ryan Reynolds Films

Early in the actor’s career, Reynolds was mainly in romantic comedy roles such as Just Friends, and it’s easily one of the more funny films on his list. The premise is pretty simple, but the rom-com shenanigans are hilarious. Reynolds is at his funniest when he’s dealing with Samantha James (Anna Faris) or his brother Mike (Chris Marquette). His interactions with Amy Smart are sweet as well. However, the funniest scene in Just Friends is the epic Christmas meltdown with all four characters mentioned here. The film is also predictable but does its job by providing humor and heart seamlessly.

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