Five Things You Didn’t Know about Matt Letscher

Five Things You Didn’t Know about Matt Letscher

Have you seen Mask of Zorro? How about Gods and Generals? If you have, you’ve watched actor Matt Letscher do what he does best. He has had many other roles in films and television, including 13 Hours: Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. However, one of his best-known roles in television was that of Reverse-Flash in… well, The Flash. We’re going to continue seeing this star in the spotlight, as it was recently announced that he was hired for a regular role on Netflix original Narcos. This show follows the Colombian cocaine trade as it was in the 1980s, all based on real-life stories of drug kingpins at this time (including drug lord Pablo Escobar).

Letscher was hired on as a member of an anti-drug law enforcement team made up of the DEA and Colombian police. We’re definitely going to catch this actor on the next season of Narcos. He is talented and convincing in his roles thus far. However, do you really know anything about Matt Letscher? He has a pretty cool personality both on- and off-set. If you want to know a few more facts about the actor, read on to find out about Five Things You Didn’t Know about Matt Letscher.

He Was a Member of Sigma Nu

Matt Letscher attended the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and graduated with a degree in drama in 1992. He was also a member of famously controversial fraternity Sigma Nu. Though we aren’t sure about whether the actor was hazed as a freshman (or if he did some hazing himself), we do know that the fraternity recently destroyed a ski resort. They caused over $50,000 in damage, and were suspended by the Greek organization’s national office. Granted, this occurred in 2015, over 20 years after Matt graduated.

He Met The Flash Producers on a Different Series

Though The Flash is arguably Matt Letscher’s most popular role, he met Greg Berlanti and Marc Guggenheim on an earlier show called Eli Stone. This show was a comedy featuring a lawyer with an aneurysm. The brain injury caused him to see things, leading him to accept cases that were financially lacking, but morally uplifting. He had such a good time on the show that he instantly accepted their offer of a role in The Flash — despite knowing absolutely nothing about the franchise.

He Has a Penchant for Legos and Scrabble

In a 2016 interview, Matt Letscher mentioned that he has “literally billions” of Legos at home. Now, this may be because he is married with two kids. (He might just be the creative type too.) He also calls himself an “anagramming beast”, alluding to his awesome Scrabble skills that he has built up over the years.

He Worked in Commercials

But it’s not what you think. He wasn’t an actor, he was actually a caterer. Matt used to wake up really early each morning, cook up a mess of food, and drive it out to the commercial shooting sites to feed the cast and officials breakfast. However, he once broke about four dozen eggs in the business owner’s personal vehicle — and he got fired.

He Hates Having His Photo Taken

In a recent article, he mentioned that he absolutely despises having his photo taken. Despite his countless hours of screen-time, there is something about being frozen forever in a photo that makes his “skin [start] to crawl”. It’s pretty surprising to us, but every person has their quirks. No judgement here.

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