Five Things You Didn’t Know About Leslie Bibb

Five Things You Didn’t Know About Leslie Bibb

She’s got that face that’s very familiar. You can definitely pick it from a crowd. Although you might not necessarily get star struck, her face is something you’ll never again forget. That’s Leslie Bibb, the charming actress that you know you’ve seen before but can’t quite pinpoint from where. Yet for some reason just after this year’s Oscars season, her face is all over the place. Why is that? Well, here are 5 things you didn’t know about Leslie Bibb, starting from why you’ve been seeing her everywhere lately.

Sam Rockwell

The 2018 Academy Award winner for Best Supporting Actor goes to Sam Rockwell. Rockwell also happens to be Leslie Bibb’s long time lover–since 2008 to be exact. This is the reason why Bibb’s been everywhere lately. Not to undermine her own merits, but Rockwell kind of put her on the map as of now. As it turns out, they’ve led quite a private life up until the Oscar nominations came out. Who knew they were so cute as a couple?

Bibb and Oprah

You may ask, “What do these two have in common?” The answer is modeling, of course. Yes, we know that Oprah’s not a model, but she sure held a modeling competition on her show back in 1990, and guess who won it? Bibb did. She won the competition when she was only 16 years old. It was the catalyst that propelled her modeling career, which was fairly short-lived because acting came knocking on her door sooner than she expected.

Long acting career

It may be hard to believe, but Bibb’s actually been actively acting for over 20 years now both on television and on film. Her first gig came on TV in 1996. Some of her most famous roles include The Skulls, Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, Law Abiding Citizen, and Iron Man 1 and 2.

Body image

Being a model or rather a normal person, Bibb has many body image issues that she’s always been vocal about. She claims to hate being a blonde and lightly expresses discontent about other parts of her body. However, she also considers herself a big geek and more headstrong than usual. She believes that happiness comes above beauty. Two things that make her feel good? Shoes and scarves. But don’t expect Bibb to have a huge collection because according to her, she doesn’t get attached to things.

Friends of El Faro

Bibb is known for being a supporter of an organization called Friends of El Faro. The non-profit organization helps raise money for a Mexican orphanage called Casa Hogar Sion. It’s an interesting notion for Bibb to be so involved with support efforts for children when she doesn’t seem to want to have children of her own. Her boyfriend Rockwell has expressed many times that he doesn’t believe he’s cut out for children. We might not know what the future may hold for those two, but parenting will not be there, at least we know Bibb is doing something to help children either way.

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