Five Things You Didn’t Know about Dylan Minnette

Five Things You Didn’t Know about Dylan Minnette

Guess what? Hollywood has a new rising young talent, and his name is Dylan Minnette. After roles in Goosebumps, Scandal, and Don’t Breath it’s clear that casting directors are taking a liking to him. Currently starring in breakout Netflix series “13 Reasons Why” the young actor’s star power is shining brighter than it ever has. However, being that the 20 year old is still so new on the scene, there’s a lot of things that fans don’t know about him.

Here are the top 5.

1. His role in the Goosebumps film wasn’t his first time working on an R.L Stine associated project

Dylan’s starting role as Zach Cooper in the “Goosebumps” feature film was his most high profile role at the time. Everyone that grew up in the 90’s is familiar with the Goosebumps book and TV series. And although it’s undoubtedly R.L Stine’s most notable work, it’s not his only children’s horror series. In 2007 “R.L Stine’s The Haunting Hour: The Series” hit TV screens. Guess who starred in two episodes of the popular series? You guessed it. Dylan Minnette was cast in 2011 and 2013 episodes of the show, his first works with the creator of Goosebumps.

2. In his young career, he has already racked up a couple of awards and several nominations

Dylan began his career as a child actor and almost immediately started piling up accolades.

His nominations include:

  • Best Performance in a TV Series — Guest Starring Young Actor “The Mentalist.”
  • Best Performance in a TV Series — Recurring Young Actor “Saving Grace.”
  • Best Performance in a Feature Film — Supporting Young Actor “Let Me In.”
  • Best Performance in a Feature Film — Young Ensemble Cast “Let Me In.”

He also won Best Performance in a TV Series — Young Actor Age Ten or Younger for “Saving Grace” in 2008 and Best Performance in a TV Series — Guest Starring Young Actor 14—17 in 2011 for his work on hit show “Medium.”

3. Besides just being an actor he’s also a musician

Yes, you heard that correctly. Dylan is the singer and guitarist for his band “Narwhals.” Too bad they suck! No, I’m just kidding. They are actually really good… So good that they won a Battle of the Bands contest in 2010.

4. He was discovered in Chicago

Dylan got his lucky break when an agent scouted him out in Chicago. His family soon moved to L.A to pursue their sons acting career. The decision was almost instantly confirmed as a good idea as he immediately landed work doing modeling and acting for television commercials.

5. He’s been dating one of his movie co-stars for a few years now

Sorry ladies, Dylan is taken. He met his girlfriend, fellow child actor Kerris Dorsey on the set of 2014’s “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.” The two have been together ever since.


At only 20 years old Dylan Minnette’s career is just getting started. Showing more promise than most actors his age we’re all waiting for the role that solidifies him as a Hollywood heavyweight. Don’t be shocked if it happens more sooner than later.

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