Five Things You Didn’t Know about 9JKL

Five Things You Didn’t Know about 9JKL

9JKL is one of the latest sitcoms to make it onto the American TV screen. In its particular case, it is one of the new TV shows included in CBS’s offering, which can be a good thing as well as a bad thing. For those who are curious, it is based on the real world experiences of Mark Feuerstein, who happens to be playing the lead character in the new TV show as well.

Here are five things that you may or may not have known about 9JKL:

It Is Named for Apartment Units

Some people might be curious about the exact origins of the TV show’s name. If so, they should know that the main actor lives in the unit called 9K in an apartment building. Meanwhile, his parents live in the unit called 9J, while his brother’s family live in the unit called 9L. In other words, 9JKL is a combination of those unit names, thus resulting in something that is neat but not so obvious.

Based on Mark Feuerstein’s Life

To an extent, 9JKL is based on Mark Feuerstein’s real life experiences when he was making Royal Pains. As a result, it should come as no surprise to learn that Feuerstein is playing the lead character Josh Roberts. With that said, there are some significant departures as well, with an excellent example being how Feuerstein was living with his wife Dana Klein at the time whereas Roberts is living on his own.

Husband and Wife as Executive Producers

Speaking of which, both Feuerstein and Klein are involved with 9JKL, which is unsurprising because it was created by the pair in a collaborative effort. As stated, Feuerstein is playing the lead character, which makes sense because the whole thing was based on his real life experiences. However, it is important to note that both Feuerstein and Klein are involved with the project as two of its executive producers. With that said, they are but two of the five executive producers who are attached to the project, with the other members being Aaron Kaplan, Wendi Trilling, and Dana Honor.

Klein Handles the Writing Room

Speaking of which, it is interesting to note that Klein is the one in charge of the room of writers who provide the scripts for the whole thing. Something for which she has received a fair amount of praise from her co-workers. On a more personal note, it should be mentioned that she has said that mining their shared experiences has provider she and her husband with a chance of bond, which must have been a nice bonus on top of the rest.

Had More than 8 Million Viewers on Initial Episode

The initial episode of 9JKL came out on October 2 of 2017. As a result, it managed to secure 8.21 million viewers in the United States, which seems like a good but not great number compared to the other TV shows that were being shown at around the same time. With that said, this was the number for the initial episode, meaning that there could be problems further down the road should its novelty wear off and cause people to start changing the channel to watch something else.

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