Now let’s clarify that when I say ‘bad’ in relation to these movies, it’s because they came off in a way that simply couldn’t allow them to be called ‘good’. More or less, there was just something screwy with how the story was presented, how the effects came off, and possibly how the actors were directed throughout their roles. If not for some inherent quality within the movie that made it worth looking at again, even a remake would be out of the question since going back to the drawing board and making something entirely different would be a better option than trying to put a positive spin on something that had just bombed out completely. But there’s hope for some movies to be certain, and while I’m not a big fan of remakes, there are movies that could in fact benefit from a remake and could even become the movies they were meant to be. Revamping and renovating a story can do wonders for a movie that should have been something special but turned out to be a flop for one reason or another.
Here are a few movies that could possibly be better with a remake.
5. Ghost in the Shell
People lost their minds when they heard that Scarlett Johansson was going to play the lead in this movie and accusations of whitewashing were heard up and down Hollywood. To be certain she likely wasn’t the person that was needed for the role, but someone thought she was. All in all though this movie felt cobbled together, as though it wasn’t a coherent picture and really needed a unifying purpose that could make it a little more convincing at the end of it all. For as great as it was supposed to be, it was based on a popular idea that was already a fan favorite, after all, it didn’t feel as though it really adhered to the source.
4. Catwoman
People expected a lot from Halle Berry with this role but didn’t get much since it took the role of Catwoman in a direction that people simply weren’t expecting and took the sexy part of it to such an extreme that even Michelle Pfieffer’s cheeks might have turned red. But overall this movie just didn’t vibe with the villain that Batman had been attracted to for so long since it took off in its own direction and didn’t appear to have any intentions of coming back. Kind of like a cat in that regard, it did what it wanted and didn’t care if anyone was going to say something about it. That’s rather clever really.
3. Jupiter Ascending
For a movie that was created on such a grand scale this story kind of face-planted in the dirt in a big way. Maybe the director wasn’t looking at the path the movie was headed down, but it might have paid to keep his attention firmly on where he was guiding his creation than on what it might do in the theaters or when it came time for award ceremonies because realistically this movie bit it hard and had trouble coming back up for air. Given the talent and the storyline that was used for this movie it could be something if someone had the ambition to take it and remake it at a later date, but seeing as how it was released in 2015 might be a bit too soon for this one.
2. Reign of Fire
This movie has a lot of potential since the idea of dragons that can eat ash and survive taking over the planet after being forgotten after so long is something that is uniquely terrifying and could be a great tale. There was a good amount of action in the movie but there were a lot of moments that felt like they dragged as well. By taking the action and keeping it as prominent as before it could work, but the other moments would need to be filled with tension and possibly with a stronger back story that could unite the world in a way rather than keep them apart. It’s doable, but it would take a great storyteller.
1. Jumper
This movie felt like it never had the chance to establish its identity since too little information was given about the characters and way too much time was put into the whole idea of how David learned to jump and the fact that he’s still in love with the young woman he left behind. As an action movie, it could work by making the love aspect a bit shorter and the overall history between the Jumpers and Paladins something that takes up a massive chunk of the running time. That way people are allowed to see just what’s going on and why and not forced to watch a love story unfold while attempting to wait it out for the action.
There’s still hope for some movies.
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