Five Actresses Who Should Play Nancy Pelosi in the Eventual Lifetime Movie

Five Actresses Who Should Play Nancy Pelosi in the Eventual Lifetime Movie

Five Actresses Who Should Play Nancy Pelosi in the Eventual Lifetime Movie

People tend to feel a certain way about Nancy Pelosi, especially after this clip that you can see posted by The Charisma Matrix that’s been circulating ever since the State of the Union address. What’s amazing really when you consider it though is that a lot of Democrats, not the majority but still a lot of them, think that Pelosi should be replaced in her position, and if the numbers and opinions given in Matthew Sheffield’s piece on The Hill is any indication it would seem that some people think this should have happened as of last year. This woman seems to forget that as petty as her opposition is, and as nasty as they can be, that getting nasty right back and being just as disrespectful might be tempting, but it’s not always the best tactic. At this point it would seem that the American people are growing tired of the constant back and forth bickering between the political parties that run our country. What’s funny at this point is an article by Seth Moulton of CNN has actually pointed out those in HER OWN party that would like to see her step down. That’s right, the Democrats have people that would like to see Pelosi just go away since it doesn’t seem, to them, as though she’s doing much good. You kind of have to wonder if this is ever going to happen, and if so, when the Lifetime movie would come out and who would be tapped to play the starring role.

Here are just a few choices that might make sense.

5. Annette Benning

A lot of times Annette is the kind of actress that can eviscerate you with a look or possibly encourage you in the same manner. In her role as the Kree Supreme Intelligence and Mar-Vell in Captain Marvel she was kind of out of her element some think, while she was a welcome addition for others. But in taking on the role of Pelosi it seems that she might hearken back to her days as the unsatisfied wife in American Beauty, in attitude at least. Annette is a talented actress but she’s not always a forceful personality that can take the lead, so she’s a passive choice for this role tobe honest.

4. Dianne Keaton

Diane is kind of a hard-edged woman that can also be very soft in her words and tone when it’s needed. But her words and her manner can also bite without any warning since she has proven this in a few of her films in the past. She isn’t exactly the aggressive type when it comes to her roles but she’s still able to make a person feel about an inch high since her ability to tell someone just what she thinks when she gets good and mad, on screen at least, is second to none and tends to leave her characters emotionally drained by the time all is said and done.

3. Sigourney Weaver

She’s been seen as a tough woman for a long time now, and it’s something she’s earned in all that time since quite honestly she’s been one of the most inspiring female actors of her time and beyond. The attitude she can bring to bear is both biting and capable of making her seem insanely rude but also quite intelligent since she’s not a woman to be messed with. A good example of this is the doctor from Avatar, who wasn’t the strongest of the bunch but certainly had no trouble telling anyone and everyone what she felt. Her iron will is what would carry this role for her without a doubt.

2. Meryl Streep

A severe dislike, perhaps even a deep, residing hatred of Donald Trump is something that these two women seem to have in common, and Streep has made no secret of it since she’s spoken against Trump more than once at awards shows. But her vitriol would serve a purpose if she decided to try and take on the role of Pelosi since it would no doubt go over quite well even if they don’t happen to look that much alike. Streep might even find it a pleasure to play such a role since it would give her another platform to speak out against the POTUS. Or maybe she’d see it as not worth her time, it’s hard to tell.

1. Christine Baranski

Honestly she was the first actress that came to mind when I saw this and it makes sense considering that she can rock roughly the same look, possesses the same kind of elegance when it comes to her stature and clothing, and has all the necessary attitude to go with it. Christine Baranski has, for a long time, been the kind of actress that you look to when you need someone that’s snooty, powerful, and altogether unpleasant while on screen. But her talent is just great enough that she should be able to pull this off.

You might like Pelosi or you might not, but these actresses seem like they would fit the bill.

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