Five Actors Who Should Play Mike Lindell in a Biopic

Five Actors Who Should Play Mike Lindell in a Biopic

The spotlight has been leveled on Mike Lindell, the creator of MyPillow, for a little bit recently and for a couple of reasons, one is that anything having to do with President Trump has been under close scrutiny, and the other is that MyPillow has found itself in a little trouble in recent years. Despite having run a few businesses in his time Mike has also tripped up quite a bit in his past and had to deal with a serious drug addiction that forced him to lose just about everything. But lo and behold he managed to come back from being absolutely worthless to being worth around $300 million thanks to a PILLOW. If you’re wondering how that happens don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Good fortune definitely smiled on Mike, but given the kind of trouble he’s received during his invention’s run it might be that he jumped the gun a bit, even if those that decided to come after him might be seen as a little petty from time to time. Still, this is the kind of story that tends to make a biopic, and as anyone might guess, it would probably require just the right person for the role.

Here are a few individuals that might be able to play Lindell’s part.

5. Gary Oldman

Oldman usually makes these kind of lists on basic principle since he can become just about anyone when he needs to given his ability to slip into one role after another. Whether he needs a body suit or not he makes it work and shows off his chameleon-like abilities when it comes to nailing a part. Plus, his ability to create a working accent that leaves a lot of people wondering just what nationality he really is helps immensely since he’s one of the best in the business and appears to have no issue when it comes to convincing people that he can nail a role that others might have trouble with.

4. Stephen Root

Stephen is one of those actors that a lot of people don’t tend to think about until they remember certain movies and realize that he can insinuate himself into a plot without that much effort. In movies such as Office Space and Get Out he was great since he wasn’t such an obvious character within every frame and he kind of got lost in the mix after a while. When he’s front and center though he can be just as good since he will take up the time needed and will push the story along in a very convincing way as he takes it upon himself to be the actor that people need, not just the actor he wants to be.

3. Paul Giamatti

Paul is another actor that’s capable of being in front or in the back and has been a great supporting actor for many years. While he’s not typically a lead he’s still great enough to be up front and to take on roles that require him to be far different than he’s been in one movie or another, as has been proven in many cases. He can be a weak character and he can be a strong character, it all depends on what’s needed and where he’s being placed in the movie. He’s definitely had a few flops here and there that haven’t panned out that well, but he’s also been a part of a few very great movies that have utilized his experience and skill to great extent.

2. Matt Damon

This might sound like an odd pick but Damon is another actor that can conceal himself just enough to nail a part and make it work. He might not be everyone’s favorite but he’s definitely skilled enough to take on a role such as this and make it feel authentic since he’s done such a thing in the past. While it might not always work there’s always the chance, better than most in fact, that Matt Damon can fill a role that some folks think he can’t. He’s shown that he can be just about anyone that a movie needs him to be and has managed to take on a fairly wide spectrum when it comes to his various characters.

1. Alec Baldwin

Again this might sound like an odd choice but looking at Lindell and then looking at Baldwin makes it a little clearer that this might actually work since Alec has managed to put on a show more than once in the past and has done so in ways that are inherently funny as well as dramatic. Given that comedy has become a big part of his routine throughout the years it’s not too hard to assume that he could mix comedy and drama in a role like this, if it was called for, and make something happen.

There are plenty of other actors that might work for such a role, but these picks appear to be as close as anyone can get to being accurate enough for such an individual.

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