10 Things You Didn’t Know About Fetty Potter

Fetty Potter

Fetty Potter is an American Youtuber who is best known for his skateboarding on his Youtube channel. He gained popularity in social media for his amazing ability to nose slide just about anything and his skateboards are unique because they are equipped with grip art with some amazing styles. For those of you who are wondering who he really is and what he’s up to now, here are 10 things that you probably didn’t know about Fetty Potter.

1. Fetty Potter isn’t his real name

Many fans just know the man behind the skateboarding as Fetty Potter. His real name is Jason Semmel, but he goes by his stage name for his Youtube channel. He’s a native of Oakland, California where he was born and grew up. He began skateboarding in the Bay area in 2002 and became a sensation in the sport.

2. He’s big on social media

Semmel became famous on social media. His YouTube channel is called Braille Skateboarding. You can catch some of his amazing skating action there. He also has an Instagram account that he keeps up to date. You can find all kinds of pictures of him on the site and find out what he’s been up to most recently. You can find him on Youtube/

3. He teaches a course on Grip Art

If you like the Grip Art that Fetty Potter uses on his skateboards, and you’d like to learn how it’s done, you’re in luck. The Braille Skate University offers an introductory course on the craft. You have to enroll in the course first. After you’ve done this, then the instructions are unlocked and you will have full access to the course curriculum. It shows you how it’s done.

4. Fetty Potter is involved in a big controversy

Recently, Jason Semmel was accused of the crime of statutory rape. He was alleged to be in a relationship with a girl who is only 14 years old. The police were called when he showed up to meet her and they asked him what his intentions were. This could result in serious consequences if there is any truth to the claims and if he is found guilty of the accusations.

5. Fetty’s fans stood up for him

There were a lot of mixed reactions to the allegations against Jason Semmel. Some fans said that they refused to accept the claims made by someone’s mom until there was actually some proof that he committed a crime. While some fans have his back, others are a bit dismayed at the allegations. It’s getting ugly on social media as the mother is going all out to make sure that everyone knows he’s a perv. This is a recent turn of events so we’re not sure what, if any evidence actually exists.

6. Fetty wiped his content

People who haven’t yet heard about the allegations are wondering what happened to Fetty Potter. His information has been wiped from his Instagram account and it appears that he is the one who took everything off of it. He also deleted his Twitter account. In case you’re wondering why he did this, he’s been accused of a crime and the only thing that we can figure is that it’s because of the things that have been said about him whether they’re true or false.

7. Slap Magazine is running with the story

We also discovered that there is an article on Slap Magazine with the title “Braille Employs Sexual Predators?” We were surprised that within a few days of hearing about this it’s gone to such extremes. Sure, there was a picture of Fetty standing next to a police officer, but we’ve not seen any real evidence yet to conclude that he’s a perv or a sexual predator.

8. Fetty Potter posted messages explaining the situation

In a video, messages posted by Fetty Potter explain that he believed the 14-year old girl was 20 years old. He explained that she is the one who invited him to hang out with her via Snapchat and that she told him she was 20. He went on to describe what they did when they met. The two walked around a park and talked, then he drove her back to her house where he was met by a man who pulled the girl from the car, jumped in, took his phone and called the police on it. He acknowledged that the mother is upset but he claims he didn’t know she was that young and had no “intention of ever meeting up with someone underage.”

9. Fetty had a ton of followers

Fetty Potter had more than 200,000 followers on his Instagram account. He also amassed a group of over 90,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel. He was one of the more popular skaters in social media and he’s certainly getting a lot of exposure right now. This, however, is not the kind of attention that anyone really wants to have. If the facts are straight, then it sounds like he may have made an honest mistake, but there’s really no way to know about that. At this point, it’s his word against the mother of the 14-year old.

10. His future is up in the air

Even allegations of inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature with a minor is a serious thing. Whether it’s proven or not, it tends to tarnish the reputation of the accused. We’re not sure which way this is going to go for Fetty Potter, aka Jason Semmel. Much depends on whether or not the mother decides to press charges, and what is discovered during the investigation. After a bit of research, we noted that there are still some things posted such as his YouTube clips. We’ve not yet heard whether or not this will affect his employment with Braille Skate University.

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