Exactly How Important is it When Amazon S3 Goes Down?

For all you websites out there that are having extreme slowness issues today, you’re not alone.    Why are you having these issues?  Getting a little message on your browser that says “connecting to s3.amazonaws.com” and you’re site’s just lagging?  Amazon Web Services is scrambling to recover from an issue at its Virginia server facility that is causing its S3 storage to fail.

The internet giant did not provide details on the cause of the issue that is plaguing its cloud storage hosted in the US-East-1 region. The malady has led to major sites, including Imgur and Medium, falling offline, missing images or running extremely slowly.

AWS, for some reason, insists this isn’t an “outage” but rather a case of “increased error rates” for its most popular cloud service.  Why do I bring this up on a TV site?  Simple.  If you’re looking to listen to a Podcast, watch a video, do pretty much anything where a file is stored or loading on a website, you’re going to have a tough time doing it right now.

When Amazon’s AWS S3 cloud service is down, it’s the equivalent of your entire cable going out and the only channels that work are a precious few that are more than likely getting reception because of an old antenna with foil on it.


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