Should There Ever Be a Prison Break Feature Film?

Should There Ever Be a Prison Break Feature Film?

Like so many TV series, Prison Break initially came and went way too quickly. Fans were crushed when it was canceled. Seven years later, the two lead actors, Dominic Purcell and Wentworth Miller got together on the set of another show they were working on and started talking about how great it would be to bring it back. And, bring it back they did.  With the help of some Netflix popularity and producers realizing the show still had some life left, it returned.

Season 5 just ended and it took fans across the world to yet another prison to escape from, plus a whole lot of action, twists, and turns. So, the question is whether, like a number of other hit TV series, Prison Break should at some point be turned into a major motion picture. Could it make it off of the small screen and onto the big screen? Hmmmm, what are the chances of a successful release?

Well, it has a well-rounded cast, super-talented writers, producers, and directors. It also has plenty of romantic as well as bro-love to last a lifetime. Prison Break also offers up a healthy helping of amazing action in every single episode. So, why wouldn’t it do well as a feature film?

For starters, let’s examine some other wildly popular TV series turned movies. How about “Entourage” for example. The TV series was a favorite with fans and everybody was looking forward to the movie. After all the hype, the release date came in 2015 and the film got mainly negative reviews, while still grossing almost $50 million. I saw it myself and found it highly entertaining. It had star power, gorgeous scenery, laughs, and so much more. Some said it simply lacked the sparkle of a major motion picture. Still, even Mark Wahlberg has confirmed that, yes, there will be an upcoming sequel.

Some of the biggest moneymaking movie franchises in history started out as TV shows, like Batman, Star Trek, Mission Impossible, Monty Python’s Flying Circus, The Muppet Show, Pocket Monsters/Pokemon, and Saturday Night Live. All huge successes, critically and financially. So, why wouldn’t Prison Break be as well?

Personally, I think that a Prison Break movie could work. The one drawback could be star-power but that’s a simple problem to fix. Add a big-name star to the cast and, voila, instant star-power. Maybe he or she could be a new addition to the Linc and Mike gang. On the other hand, a big star could be their nemesis in the movie. And, bringing back William Fichtner as Alex Mahone would improve its chances, too. Then, all they need to do is throw a really big-name director into the mix and Prison Break the Movie could really be a hit.

So, although Prison Break apparently has not been renewed yet by FOX, diehard fans will never give up their strong belief that it definitely will be back for Season 6. We’ll all be waiting patiently for the announcement and the new air date for the first episode of the new season. And hey, in the unlikely event that there is no new season, then there’s always Prison Break the Movie. If so, we just hope that they get it to the big screen quickly before the characters are all but forgotten.

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