Emerald City continues to exceed my expectations. This week in “Science and Magic” we met our Tin Man, and a powerful little girl.
Emerald City is dark, but so fun. Several times tonight I yelled at the television. I had to look away during the scene with the little girl shaking alone in the house. I am especially interested in her and how she ties back to the original movie, The Wizard of Oz. I can’t wait to see how the writers reveal her part of the story. Dorothy and Lucas also officially began their romantic relationship, only to separate at the end of the episode.
Speaking of romantic interests, the Wizard clearly has a thing for Anna, and it makes me uncomfortable. I feel this way mostly because the Wizard is in a position of power, and Anna is his employee as far as I’m concerned. I will take this plot week by week, but I am nervous to see where it will go.
Jack, the boy Tip pushed off the balcony, is alive! An engineer, Jane, replaces all the damaged parts of his body with metal and gives him a new heart. Meet our Tin Man, who wants a real heart! So clever, I love it. Now, where is that lion? Unfortunately for Jack, a princess buys him from Jane after waltzing in on the lab.
Tip, is once again at a crossroads and she (I will use she/her pronouns for this review) must decide between Galinda and West. The argument they had over Tip was vague, and I didn’t really understand why they were fighting over her. Tip sums it up quite well when she says “So my only choice as a girl is a nun or a whore?” I predict Tip will choose West because she seems a little more upfront about what she can give her.
The episode was entitled “Science and Magic” but with each episode I see less science and more magic in Oz. I think Dorothy sees the same, and I can’t wait to see what West has in store for Dorothy next week.
[Photo Credit: NBC/David Lukacs]
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