10 Things You Didn’t Know about Elias Kacavas

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Elias Kacavas

Just when you didn’t think the cast of Euphoria could grow any larger or become any more talented, the entire thing changes – for the better. This is a show that continues to defy the expectations of not being as good when the initial excitement wears off, and things are changing. This show continues to add the best of the best, and now we are seeing people like Elias Kacavas, playing roles on the show. It’s good stuff, and his fans are curious to know more about him. Fans of the show are always interested in learning more, and soon they will be his fans, too.

1. He is From New Hampshire

He was born and raised in Manchester, which is located in New Hampshire. While he is no longer living in the area because of his work schedule and location, he was there most of his life with his family. He left first for college, and then he moved on to continue his career and see where his roles would take him.

2. He Comes from a Large Family

He is one of three kids. His parents had three kids – and all of their kids are boys. He is close with both of his brothers and their family. His household was likely loud, rambunctious, and filled with a lot of fun for himself and his brothers and parents.

3. He is a Twin

One fun fact to know about this young actor is that there are two of them. To be more precise, there are two people who look just like him – himself and his identical twin brother. They are exceptionally close, and we imagine that these two are often confused with one another. We also wonder if fans confuse the two when they are out.

4. He Went to College

He knew what he would do with his life, so he went to college to pursue his dreams. Leaving New Hampshire for New York, he was the kind of guy who was able to get into the New York University’s Tisch School of the arts. He studied drama while he was there. His first year was 2017.

5. He Plays Piano

Being an actor, it’s not strange for him to also feel called to play music. The arts are the arts, and most people with a creative mindset like his own are called to participate in more than one art. He is both a piano player – though we don’t know how long he’s been playing or where he learned – and an actor, and it suits him.

6. He Plays Guitar

He is multifaceted by way of being able to play both the piano and the guitar, but that is how the creative mind works. We have a feeling that this is a young man who is able to do anything he sets his mind to, and we are willing to go out on a limb and say that learning the guitar wasn’t difficult for him.

7. He is Not Very Active Online

He is not the kind of man who spends a lot of time on things like his social media page. He is more focused on things like living his life, acting, and seeing where his roles will take him one day at a time. He is on Instagram, but he’s not on often enough to share many things about his life.

8. He’s Private

One thing is certain about this young man; he is not overly open about his social life or his private life. He is someone who prefers to keep his life as private as possible, which is always a good thing. He shares online, but not enough to give us any insight into the kind of person he is or what he’s up to when he’s not at work. He’s an actor who is focusing on his career publicly, but he focuses on his own life privately.

9. He’s Greek

Again, we don’t know much about his heritage, but we do know he is proud to be Greek. One or both of his parents are likely Greek, but we have no idea who it is or where they came from. They could have come from Greece to America, or they could have Greek parents, meaning Greek grandparents for him. We just don’t know.

10. He’s Working Hard

Though he did drop out of his acting courses to take the role on Euphoria, he is also working on a few other things. He’s coming to a Pretty Little Liars reboot soon, and he is doing a few other things in the meantime. You’ll see him around a lot.

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