Days of Our Lives Characters Who Feel Like “Home”

Days of Our Lives Characters Who Feel Like “Home”

Days of Our Lives Characters Who Feel Like “Home”

Days of Our Lives fans like to say that they have some of the best characters on their favorite shows. It’s easy to see why everyone might think that, too, when you get down to it. It seems as if so many of the people who are here do what they can to make the most of their lives, and they bring so much entertainment to the show. We think, however, that some bring so much more than just entertainment. We think that some people bring so much love and joy to the screen — even if it’s not in the traditional manner we might think of love and joy at home — that we feel at home when we watch this show. Who are the people who feel like home in Salem? Let us name a few of our favorites. Do you agree or disagree?

Alice Horton

She’s a woman who always made us feel as if we were home, and as if we were doing something right. She was always in the middle of something chaotic, but there are so many things about her that just stand out. One thing that absolutely makes her stand out to us is just how much she makes us feel that we are home when we watch her. She was always doing things like making donuts and serving them to her friends and family. She was always in the middle of things that brought so much joy to us and into our lives. She hung Christmas ornaments and smiled while she told stories that brought happiness to our hearts. She had her moments, of course, but she also made us feel as if we were at home more often than not.

Steve Johnson

What is it about this man who does such horrible things sometimes that makes us feel right at home? Perhaps it is the fact that he was never sweet. He wasn’t even a remotely good person for so long, but then he met Kayla and he fell so hard for her he could barely function. He was a man who didn’t make many good choices, but he softened and become a wonderful man. He’s always willing to help those who are in need of help. He’s always looking to do the right thing. He is always looking to make a kind statement if he can find one, and he will always go above and beyond to do what is necessary in his life. He’s not a man who we can live without around here. He makes us feel as if we are home.


Dr. Kayla. There is nothing about her we don’t love, and she’s like the mother of everyone in our lives. She’s the woman we would want to go see if we had a chance to do things the way they were meant to be done. We would want her working on us at the hospital because we know that she is the kind of woman who will do anything she can to save us, even if she has to go and do it in a way that other people do not agree with. She’s here to help. She’s here to do the right thing for the greater good. She’s home.


Something about her and her relationship with John makes us feel as if we are at home on television. Have you ever watched the two of them together in their sweetest moments and thought that you could see holiday dinners around their table with all the grown kids laughing and poking fun at one another, arguing over the big game, and asking when dinner is going to be ready? We can see it. We think that they could live a normal life without a lot of drama or instance if they had a choice, and we think that they are one of the sweetest couples. We just feel so good when we see them together, and we feel so much like we are at home when we see them. We sometimes imagine that we are part of their lives and that we are in their family when we see how good they are with one another.

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