Danny Boyle Could be the Next James Bond Director

Danny Boyle could be a possibility when it comes to the next James Bond director being selected. The thought is that if Christopher Nolan says no that Boyle could be the next desired director to take the reigns. At the moment he’s connected to another project but since it doesn’t have a cast yet the idea that he could jump ship would be something that might be feasible. A lot of people are very excited to hear this news and believe that it could be a great fit between the director and the iconic movie that’s about to celebrate it’s 25th installment.

It would be different to be sure since Boyle’s idea of filming is a little darker and a little grittier than others. Keep in mind he’s the same guy that did Trainspotting and 128 Hours, so it could be something unlike the other Bond films that we’ve seen in the past. Of course given that Bond has gotten a lot edgier since the time of Connery, Dalton, and Moore, it could be a good way to go to liven up the spy’s image just a little bit. Calling Bond a hero is kind of problematic since as a spy he’s something of an enigma at times but he’s definitely more of a protagonist than an antagonist most times since he does tend to fall on the side of order.

Daniel Craig is said to be making his way back to the role as well which is kind of surprising since the last time anyone heard he seemed to have a bit of disdain for the role that suggested he would be just as happy to leave it behind. He wouldn’t be the first Bond to walk away from the role with a big sigh of relief, as Sean Connery, who was known for so many years as the ultimate Bond, was said to have become disillusioned with the role some time ago. It’s not the worst role in the world and in fact it’s one that a lot of male actors would have loved to play, but those that have done it tend to act like it’s a huge burden at times. It would be a lot to live up to it seems like as the image of James Bond is something that doesn’t just leave one when they walk off screen. Actors do tend to like being noticed for other roles that they feel represent them in a much better way, but the role of Bond is one that doesn’t tend to fade so quickly.

Boyle taking over could be interesting. If he goes by the same kind of filming techniques he’s shown in his other movies then the next Bond film could be something far more grainy, edgy, and less predictable than ever before. The past several films have kind of pulled away from the overall formula a bit as though to differentiate themselves, but more often than not they’ve still followed the main points that are expected in any Bond film. Perhaps Boyle would bring a different perspective.

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