Check Out The Trailer for “Prisoners of the Ghostland”

Check Out The Trailer for “Prisoners of the Ghostland”

Nicolas Cage obviously loves playing the troubled hero, since Prisoners of the Ghostland is taking him on another adventure by playing a character who has no choice but to retrieve the granddaughter of a warlord that happened to have heard that he’s one of the best at surviving an impossible situation. The Ghostlands appear to be part of a dystopian future, a wasteland where survival is difficult at best and nearly impossible at any other time. It’s very easy to think that this will be just one more in a long line of movies that will be added to Cage’s career, though one has to wonder when we might see him in something that’s a little more mainstream. In a way, it feels as though he’s become more comfortable starring in movies that don’t gain as much attention as the big-screen blockbusters, since initially, he had to keep working to pay off the insane amount of debt that he’d accrued. But surely after so many movies, he’s come close to paying off that amount or has paid it off entirely.

Cage has bounced around from one movie to another for a while now and has taken on several different roles in his time, but it would appear that he enjoys being the reluctant hero or the individual that just wants to be left alone. It’s not a hard role to buy into so long as the movie is worth watching, and so far this movie feels a bit like a chaotic mess, but it’s likely that it will be easier to understand when watching from start to finish instead of clips that are moving about so quickly and with so much random motion. If the intent of the trailer is to make people a bit anxious then it’s bound to succeed considering that the cut from scene to scene is a little quick and the explanation for each scene is bound to be kind of detailed.

The fact that he’s fitted with so many explosive devices when just one of them might kill him is a good indication that this movie is going to go overboard on a lot of things, which might actually be kind of fun since seeing Nicolas Cage in calm and measured movies isn’t a bad thing, but seeing him get to go a little out of control to absolutely raving mad is pretty interesting. Plus, a movie with this title could go a couple of ways, but heading towards the crazed and out of control feel is something that might draw a lot of fans simply because it promises to show the kind of wild and insane action that Cage is capable of performing, especially since he can go from zero to absolutely nuts in a very short time. So far in the trailer though it would appear that he’s keeping his calm for a good deal of time and hasn’t really let loose yet. One might think something was wrong, or perhaps that he’s just getting old, but the tone and pace of this movie appear to be headed in a couple of different directions at once so it’s fair to think that he will experience a freakout at some point, but perhaps it won’t be the same as always and we’ll get to see something a little different.

It’s interesting to note that as he’s gotten older, his freakout moments have come less and less at times unless the character he’s playing warrants as much. This movie might be more insane visuals and action and less of Cage actually getting too into character, but then again, we won’t know until we watch. It’s still enough to marvel over the idea that he’s still pumping out movies left and right without much of a pause between them, as it makes more sense to think that he would eventually take a break and perhaps find something that will get him back into the spotlight. It’s hard to even know what’s going on since what’s easy to figure out is that Cage is going to be the main protagonist, while the warlord that sends him into the Ghostlands to get his granddaughter will be the main antagonist. But it also appears as though there will be plenty of other characters that are hard to figure out when it comes to which side they’re actually on.

The movie might be a free-for-all to be certain since the chaos that takes over in the trailer indicates that there’s going to be a lot happening in this movie, and having a pair of explosives over his manhood will be just one of Cage’s many problems. The whole idea of sending a single person in to do what a group of armed individuals can’t is a very old story that has been told many times, but there are still many ways that it can be told.

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