Castle: 5.10 “Significant Others” Review

0751Castle returned on Monday after the (incredibly long) Christmas hiatus with an episode that brought back a rather unwanted person in Castle’s life.

When Alexis came down with mononucleosis, her mother Meredith — the infamous deep-fried twinkie ex-wife that Castle used to hook up with whenever she was in town — decided that, for once in her life, she was going to take care of her daughter and for that she had to stay at the loft. The catch, however, was that Kate’s apartment was being fumigated and she was staying at the loft too. So, you know, three is a crowd and our favorite detective was very unhappy about Castle’s inability to say no to his ex-wife.

For an episode that was just okay in my book, I have to say that I was really glad that they finally started tackling some real relationship issues between our lovebirds. I loved the way they wrote Kate’s reaction and I was rooting for her the entire episode. That aside, I particularly loved how they managed to balance Kate and Castle dealing with their issues and how each of them sought out their friends for advice. Lanie, Esposito and Ryan were so great and so funny in each and every scene that I had a blast watching them.

I didn’t care much about the case — and I think we can all agree — because that was just not the main storyline in “Significant Others”. For the first time since they got together we finally got to see some trouble in paradise and I think that was way overdue. The honeymoon phase is over and, even though Meredith apparently didn’t have a secret agenda to get into Castle’s pants, she managed to plant a seed of doubt in Kate’s mind.

0734I really liked that they brought up the fact that Castle knows everything about Kate, but she doesn’t know all that much about him, about his deepest fears and desires. For four years they kept pushing down our throats the fact that Kate Beckett is a closed-off person and that she plays her cards close to the vest; Castle, on the other hand, is this goofball that wears his heart on his sleeve. I believed those facts since season 1, but last night’s episode opened my eyes to a whole new truth.

We know a hell of a lot about Kate Beckett and what makes her tick, her fears, everything, because we have seen her through Castle’s eyes and the guy has written four books about her. However, Rick Castle is not really the open book that we all thought we knew. What Meredith told Kate is completely true and I am so glad that this is making Kate think and reevaluate their entire relationship.

Not that I want them to break up — far from it, for the love of God! — but it’s time that we get to know the man behind the Rick Castle persona. We know he is caring and compassionate and generous, but we don’t know much more than that. We know that he loves Kate and that he would do anything for his daughter, but we don’t know how he feels about growing up without a father, about his failed marriages and relationships, just to name a few.

Maybe this will be the link for them to introduce Castle’s dad storyline. That is, if they actually go any further with this plot. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed “Significant Others”. For an episode that wasn’t stellar, it’s earned so many brownie points for finally exploring Kate and Castle’s relationship outside of the precinct.

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