Carole Baskin is Likely Going to Be on Dancing with the Stars

Carole Baskin is Likely Going to Be on Dancing with the Stars

Maybe the show Dancing With The Stars can eventually be renamed to Dancing With Controversy as it might need to be anyway if Carole Baskin of Tiger King fame makes her way onto the dance floor. The owner and operator of Big Cat Rescue, which appears to be just a different way of saying that they put big cats in cages to ‘help’ them is apparently considering an appearance on the dancing show and if she signs it could possibly mean a surge in ratings since a lot of people would be more than willing to give their two cents worth and make it known that they either approve or don’t approve. After all, Carole did manage to get her fair share of renewed hatred from The Tiger King on Netflix since her feud with Joe Exotic was rehashed in a big way and a lot of people that knew nothing about her were turned on to the idea that she might have killed her first husband. Whether she fed him to the tigers or not is another matter, but one would think that might have worried her current husband when it comes to upsetting Carole in any way or simply trusting that she wouldn’t find an excuse to get tired of him after a while. But then again, after watching the show and how much he appears to fawn over her it does feel as though Carole, who obviously likes getting her way, won’t rock the boat as long as someone’s making it float.

There are quite a few jeers and jibes that can be made at Carole’s expense and to be fair, she does bring some of the heat on herself when she alludes to the idea that she’s doing a better job taking care of her cats than anyone else. They’re still in cages and they’re still captive though, so it’s hard to see the difference. But apart from that, even agreeing to be on The Tiger King makes it obvious that she’s about as vain and in need of attention as Joe was, no matter how much she wants to state that the two of them couldn’t be any more different. The biggest difference between Joe and Carole is that Joe doesn’t hide who he is, and he won’t hide what he says, even if he’ll hide what he does on occasion. Carole feels more like a false front that’s being used as a mask to hide away something that she wouldn’t want others to see, and her appearance on the miniseries was obviously to make it look as though she’s the saint in all this when in truth it made her look even more shifty than before. Granted, no one came out of the miniseries looking all that great, no matter how they protested and thought that they were being set up to look like crazy people whose lives were put on blast.

It does sound as though Dr. Fauci, who many people either listen to or loathe, was invited to the show as well, but he ended up refusing for his own reasons. Right now it does feel as though DWTS is starting to take the actual reality TV route by finding anyone and everyone that can keep the show interesting and pep up the ratings, since deciding to invite Carole Baskin would surely get people watching. Some might watch to see if she makes a fool of herself while others would be watching just because they still believe in her, while others might watch just out of morbid interest since it doesn’t feel that Carole could do much on the dance floor when compared to many of the other contestants, and it almost feels as though her husband would be watching closely as well. In a way, this almost feels like a farce, a way to get the ratings up and to keep the show a bit more intriguing for the viewers, but it’s not the first time that DWTS has expressed interest in an individual that some folks might have had a problem with. One has to remember that Sean Spicer wasn’t a favorite, Amber Rose thought she was being body-shamed, a lot of people thought that it as odd to have Julianne Hough as a judge with her brother as a competitor, and Jaleel White even faced off with a professional dancer before calling her an idiot. So no, DWTS is not immune to controversy in any way, but letting Carole Baskin on the show is akin to putting another log on a smoldering fire.

It could go off without a hitch and it could be just fine, but there’s definitely a reason to think that people will be picking up on this development if it happens and spinning it any which way they want.

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